What happens when you put Elizabeth Banks in a shimmery violet dress, powder her skin white, and give her a stylish hairdo? You get an absolutely perfect — and exquisite — Effie Trinket, the character in Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games responsible for transporting Katniss and Peeta to the Capitol.
A fantastic new photo (well, it’s actually a moving video thing) has been released on Capitol Couture, a glitzy new website highlighting the out-of-this-world fashions being inspired by the story. In the photo we see Effie escorting Katniss and Peeta to the big parade, the scene where fans will HOPEFULLY be blown away by the fantastic flaming outfits. As I said before . . . that’s a scene the film must get right to please its fans. We have faith they’ll do us right. The movie, at least from all the pictures we’ve been seeing, looks like it will be fantabulous.
The photos were somewhat tricky to get, but we worked some magic to get the stills for y’all’s viewing pleasure. Check them out and let us know what you think!
Doesn’t Effie look amazing! Don’t forget to hop on over to Capitol Couture. It’s an amazingly well-designed blog featuring everything you could possibly want relating to The Hunger Games. However, just because we’ve given you the name of this fab site, don’t think that means we want you to leave us. Definitely not! We should be your number one destination.
If you, like me, just can’t get enough Hunger Games news, make sure to check out our special Hunger Games section. We’re always on the look out for awesome new stuff, so if you’re a fan make sure to visit us often to get all the latest News from Panem!
***. . . May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor. . .***