Nicki Minaj Calls Steven Tyler A Racist Because He Calls Her A Lousy American Idol Judge

Nicki Minaj, the singing rapper, took offense to Steven Tyler questioning the merit of her being a judge on the upcoming season of American Idol. It’s beyond Nicki and her assortment of personalities that live inside her head, why the lead singer of Aerosmith, fails to see the genius of lyrics such as ‘Stupid Ho’ and why that qualifies her. In her mind, the rock legend who has paid his dues and has more than 40 years of experience to his name is just a racist.

Steven took Nicki to task for feuding with pop icon Mariah Carey but he seemed to really agitate the MC with his other pointed comments. He wondered how she’d fare as a potential judge. “These kids, they just got out of a car from the Midwest somewhere and they’re in New York City, they’re scared to death; you’re not going to get the best [out of them]. … If it was Bob Dylan, Nicki Minaj would have had him sent to the cornfield! Whereas, if it was Bob Dylan with us, we would have brought the best of him out, as we did with Phillip Phillips. Just saying.

The Queen of Barbz took to Twitter and lashed out at Steven with these following tweets:

“Steven Tyler said I would have sent Bob Dylan to a cornfield???” wrote the rapper. “Steven, you haven’t seen me judge one single solitary contestant yet!”

“I understand you really wanted to keep your job but take that up with the producers. I haven’t done anything to you. That’s a racist comment.”

“You assume that I wouldn’t have liked Bob Dylan??? why? black? rapper? what? go f*ck yourself and worry about yourself babe.”

“LOL lets make him a shirt that says “No Coloreds Allowed” then escort him down 2 Barbara Walters so he can tell how he was threatened w/guns.”

“When Steven 1st went on Idol he was ridiculed by his peers & fans alike. Called a sell out. So what does he do? Ridicule the next judge.”

A hit dog usually hollers and judging by the stream of tweets, Nicki became very defensive. She was in the right section of Webster’s dictionary when responding to Steven but realist is the “r” word she should’ve used. Nicki she got prime reality on America’s #1 singing competition because of her current appeal and not really because she’s going to unearth the next big thing.

Nicki has her fans right now because she’s a hot commodity, but she needs to cool picking fights with established artists. First, it was Lil Kim, then Mariah and now Steven. During the last two feuds, she’s pulled the race card from the deck. It’s time to reshuffle.

Editor’s Note: Racism is real, but Steven Tyler is not a racist nor were his comments an example of racism. Using the word “racist” to bash someone who happens to think you are an incompetent jerk is pathetic, and worse, doing so devalues the term.  Someone high profile, like Minaj, throwing around the very serious term “racist” to repay a personal or professional insult, not a racial insult, does a serious disservice to those who suffer from real racism.  Steven Tyler did not make the multi-millionaire famewhore, Nicki Minaj, a victim of racism.

Stephanie Guerilus:
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