Ughhh what is wrong with this women? Is there anything she will not do for $$$$? Rhetorical question of course! Octomom, Nadya Suleman, hit New York City this week and did she go sightseeing, NO, did she take her children for some fun activities, NO! Instead she decided she should head over to the local drag queen show at the XL Nightclub and have some fun. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Nadya did not stop there, the attention seeking “wanna be” decided to participate in the event and head up on stage. Octomom pulled her top down, displayed her breasts for all too see and a whole lot more. According to Radaronline, “Octo-Mom flashed her breasts, pretended to nurse two plastic dolls, fed one of the “babies” from a bottle of vodka, and screened a clip from her porno film — all while the drag queens cheered and laughed.”
So if you want to vomit in your corn flakes head over to see the photos. I warned you, they are not pretty!
I have to ask myself has Octomom lost her mind. This all went down just hours after it was leaked that police might press charges against Nadya for being a negligent parent. You would think she would want to lay low for a while. But not Nadya, Octomom’s just wanna have fun…