Philip Seymour Hoffman Catches Fire, Nabs Coveted Role in ‘Hunger Games’ Franchise

Philip Seymour Hoffman Catches Fire, Nabs Coveted Role in 'Hunger Games' FranchisePhilip Seymour Hoffman Catches Fire, Nabs Coveted Role in 'Hunger Games' Franchise

It has recently been confirmed by Lionsgate Studios that Philip Seymour Hoffman, actor extraordinaire, will play the role of Plutarch Heavensbee in the screen adaption of Suzanne Collins‘s Catching Fire — part of the wildly successful Hunger Games franchise.

Hoffman comes to the film with the necessary acting chops to play this dynamic and incredibly essential character. A lot of buzz surrounds these Hunger Games roles and we’re excited to see who will be taking center stage — alongside him and the returning cast — in this next installment, the release date of which has not yet been announced. *cringes with anticipation*

Hoffman’s character, Plutarch, who is the leader of the rebellion against the Capitol as well as, for most of Catching Fire, the Head Gamemaker, will require a great deal of power. I believe that Hoffman has the necessary magic to bring this character to life — to fully embody a character that is both strong in his convictions and a vibrant, cunning leader. Hoffman has the ability to mesh well with practically every role he’s given, so we will be very curious to see how he interprets this particular character.

MTV reports that, while Hoffman hasn’t technically been signed on for the films after Catching Fire, he will most likely resume his role as Plutarch. A lot of factors will be at play, including how well the film does (DUH, it’s going to do phenomenally and find Blockbuster success) and where the studio decides to split the story up . . . as it currently stands, the franchise will reportedly be broken up into four films, with the last story, Mockingjay, being treated as two films. However, chances are Hoffman will blow everyone out of the water and he will stick around for as long as he can.

Jena Malone has been cast as Johanna Mason, a tribute from District 7, but as to who will play Finnick Odair . . . . The world is still waiting for that announcement.

Nicholas Sanford: