Porn Companies Sued Over Fifty Shades Of Grey Sex Toys and Kinky Films By Universal Studios (Video)

For those of you losing hope that a film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey will ever be written/cast/filmed/released, have faith! Universal Studios has been totally mum since buying the rights to the hit trilogy of Twilight inspired mommy porn, but they’ve just filed a lawsuit against several porn companies who have been using the characters without permission! Add that to the list of hard limits—no touching their characters!

An unauthorized film called Fifty Shades of Grey: A XXX Adaptation (weren’t the books already XXX? I don’t want to imagine what’s more XXX than the books!) was made, and the lawyers at Universal claim the movie isn’t a parody, and so isn’t protected by First Amendment right to free speech. They explain that the movie “does not comment on, criticize, or ridicule the originals. It’s a rip off, plain and simple.” Of course, the books don’t leave much to the imagination, so the creative directors of these pornos didn’t have much room to parody!

The lawsuit claims, “By lifting exact dialogue, characters, events, story, and style from the Fifty Shades trilogy, Smash Pictures ensured that the first XXX adaptation was, in fact, as close as possible to the original works.”  Two more movies are in development, and the line of sex toys Fifty Shades of Pleasure have already hit the market. Universal Studios wants money and a ban on all future copies. Of course, they’re just frustrated that someone beat them to the punch—there’s been a lot of gab online about these movies, and especially about casting Christian Grey. Ian Somerhalder is the fan favorite, but nothing is official.

It does make us wonder how the adaptation will be done. The books don’t leave anything to the imagination, but the movies will have to, unless Universal is looking to break into the world of hardcore porn. What did you think of the series? Will you be first in line at the theater?

Photo Credit: Coqueran/FAMEFLYNET

Sphinx Kat:
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