Queen Elizabeth Begs Kate Middleton To Become The Royal Diversion

Queen Elizabeth Begs Kate Middleton To Become The Royal Diversion

We all saw the sexy (if not a bit blurry) leaked pictures of Prince Harry’s naked Las Vegas party. This is old news—we’ve already reset our desktop backgrounds, ordered calendars, fridge magnets, and pillow cases with the image.

While women (and some men) everywhere swoon and book the next flight to LondonQueen Elizabeth is less enthralled with the wild antics of her out-of-control grandson, and third-in-line for the throne. Jezebel reports that the Queen has sought help from an unlikely source, the current queen of the media (and future queen of England) Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge. They divulged that the “Queen thinks Duchess Kate can ‘restore glamor and dignity to the monarchy.’”

I’m sorry, is this the same queen who ordered Kate to curtsey in submission to all senior blue-blooded members of the royal family? Well, SNAP. It looks like staunch and traditional Queen Elizabeth II is trying to modernize.

The Middleton family has had their fair share of scandal—remember younger brother James’ French maid outfit? James mooning his friends? Pippa’s purple bra? Crack addict uncle?—and media coverage, but it seems that this round of online takeover will probably have fewer body parts showing.

Pippa has already rushed the release of her party planning book cover, and rumours of Kate’s pregnancy plans are swirling through cyberspace. It will take more than MD opinions on Kate’s weight and fertility chances to distract us from the promise of a Prince Harry Vegas video, though!

What do you think? Can Clarence House and the Royal Media Team work this out on their own, or can Waity Katie pitch in? It’s not like she has anything better to do while living in Wales!