Real Housewives of Orange County’s Alexis Bellino To Make Plastic Surgery History

Real Housewives of Orange County's Alexis Bellino To Make Plastic Surgery History Real Housewives of Orange County's Alexis Bellino To Make Plastic Surgery History

Oh boy.  Let’s start by listing the things that we know Alexis Bellino has bombed at:  Remember the fashion line that she began before even knowing what ‘couture’ meant? Then there was the Fox news correspondent fiasco where I got to stare (unintentionally) at her implants before my morning coffee had even brewed- and no, she couldn’t read the cue cards or ad lib her way through the segments.

How about her twin’s birthday party where she stole the spotlight to tell of her near death experience?  I could keep going, but I’ll leave it right there and move on to Alexis’ next anticipated failure:  beauty columnist!  Apparently this job opportunity arose after she needed to have her nose “injury fixed” this past season.  Read that as Alexis wanted a nose job but didn’t want to just admit it at first, until the rest of the cast jumped her over it at the reunion.

Anyway, Alexis will now be working with and penning a newSecret of the Week” beauty column for the site.   In it she will collaborate with the doctor who performed her rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Michael Niccole.  The good doc is thrilled to partner with Alexis and has this to say:

We are honored to be able to help Alexis maintain and enhance her outer beauty … And we are excited to have her contribute to our website with regular beauty tips and secrets that will help all of our patients look that much better … The new feature from Alexis will help our patients find the right beauty regimen for their personal skincare needs.”

I guess if you want a spokesperson of sorts for plastic surgery, Alexis really is a great choice.  I just find the idea of her writing a column hilarious. C’mon, you and I all know that the only thing this chick writes is her husband Jim’s siggy after swiping his credit cards!

Do you think this job is a good fit for Alexis?  Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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