Review: Stevie Ryan In ‘Stevie TV’ – Check Out The New Trailer

Review: Stevie Ryan In 'Stevie TV' - Check Out The New TrailerReview: Stevie Ryan In 'Stevie TV' - Check Out The New Trailer

We all know by now the power of YouTube – just look at Justin Bieber (and sadly, Rebecca Black).  So when funny lady Stevie Ryan was discovered on the internet after making a series of videos impersonating many of today’s celebrities – well naturally she needed her own show.  Welcome ‘Stevie TV’!

My editor asked me to review the preview episode, and although I’ve seen my fair share of sketches – I laughed hysterically!  Home girl is awesome.  The show debuts on the cable network on March 4, and it’s leading lady Stevie Ryan, 26, offers up her comedic chops impersonating the likes of Kim Kardashian (one of my favorites – she nails Kim), Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga, Kendra Wilkinson (also, nailing the former playboy bunny’s disturbingly funny laugh), Justin Bieber, Katy Perry – the list goes on.

 Stevie has said that while she’s excited about the show’s prospects, the move from the Internet to the small screen has offered some challenges.

 “I was worried because when you’re on the Internet, you don’t have censors. You can do whatever you want, you can say whatever you want. You are your own censor,” Ryan says. “But then with VH1, it was like, ‘Oh. We’re censored to an extent.

 To an extent is right – and trust me, the laughs are still there.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and I imagine those who check it out will as well.

Sarah Silverthorne:
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