If you caught last night’s episode of The Real Housewive’s of New York City then you saw more of the epic fight between A-Diva Drescher and Sonja Morgan. The ladies vactioned together in St. Barts and all hell broke loose. A-Diva brought her husband on what was intended to be a girls trip and Sonja and Ramona Singer had a real issue with it. A-Diva (Doesn’t she look like the rock star muppet named Janice on The Muppet Show??) went all batsh*t crazy on her former friends, not just defending her husband, Reid’s presence, but insulting the ladies big time.
Since returning to NYC, A-Diva did a bit of soul searching at the bottom of multiple champagne bottles and came to the conclusion that she actually only hates Ramona, not so much Sonja. After calling Sonja classless and the now infamous, “white trash” she decides that poor Sonja is to be pitied instead. The poor girl is going through a rough time with her bankruptcy and divorce SIX years ago…A-Diva decides to be the bigger person and invite Sonja for lunch.
Lunch doesn’t go so well, I must say. A-diva attempts to apologize, not because she’s sorry but because she is FEELING sorry for Sonja. Her shallow apology hits the table like an anvil and Sonja sits there very calm as she stoically tells A-diva that the damage is done and she really has no use for a friend like her. That is the point where it all goes to hell and A-diva basically insults Sonja all over again. Sonja took to her Bravo blog to dish about the whole chat (that she got up and walked out on) saying,
“I don’t know what happened to the Aviva I first met, but she is relentless and she will not stop. Ramona continues to apologize and she does not accept. I have made it clear I have no interest and she further insults me. Good way to mend fences?!? She will not apologize for the names she calls others and she takes glee in it during her interviews. I did not insult or embarrass Aviva. Yet she continues to insult me after I agree to meet her all the way downtown to clear the air at least. I see very soon she did not want to clear the air, or really care, or have the capacity.”
I have to hand it to Sonja, she may be teetering on the edge and one of the messiest drunks Bravo could ever hope to film, but she has handled A-Diva quiet well in this moment. Nothing trashy at all about staying calm, stating your position and then leaving when the insults start rolling once again!
Do you agree with Sonja (and the other ladies) assessment of A-Diva at this point? She doesn’t know how to let things go and this chick seriously takes self-absorption to a whole new level, wouldn’t you say? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
Photo Credit: BRJ/Fame Pictures