Robert Downey Jr. Makes Bank At The Box Office — Rakes In 50 Million Dollar Salary For ‘Avengers’

The underdog wins! Robert Downey Jr. is making major bank at the box office and I for one am more than happy for him.  The actor stands to earn around $50 million dollars for the “The Avengers,” which has done incredibly well at the theaters. And all this is coming from a person that has had his fair share of drug problems — so many in fact that they probably named a wing in the rehab place after him!

Well the worm has turned and he’s gotten smarter with age, thank you bobocito because you’re so darn cute. OK back to my story.  “Iron Man,” which came out in 2008, grossed over $500 million dollars. All of this means that he has major box office appeal. Why not strike while the iron is hot?

“The Avengers” has already made $1 billion dollars at the box office.  Now, his co-stars’ salaries are not in the same area as Mr. Downey’s, but to be honest none of their movies have grossed that much money at the box office.  Anyway did I like the movie? Yes. Do I want to watch hot guys in tight pants? Yes. Well, Mr. Downey, congrats on the new movie . . . it is absolutely fabulous, just like you!
