Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Back Together As A Couple!

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Back Together As A Couple!Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Back Together As A Couple!

Seriously Rob, I thought you were so much smarter than this!  According to a source out and about last night, the formerly heartbroken faux vampire has decided to give Kristen Stewart a second chance to trample his heart and make a complete ass out of him!  After a series of long chats where no doubt, Kristen conjured up some crocodile tears to go with her signature scowl, Rob Pattinson decided that this home wrecking, hot mess is indeed the love of his life and deserves to be back in his sparkly arms. The Sun has more details citing a witness that says,

A source told how the smitten Brit had set up home with the brunette once more — adding: “They pretty much decided they couldn’t live without each other. Kristen poured her heart out to Robert and told him it was a one-off and a mistake. Rob sees it as Kristen made a really stupid mistake. After a lot of long tearful talks, they’ve worked it out. Rob can see how truly sorry Kristen is and has totally forgiven her. They really do love each other.”

Oh my hell, a one-off? Hasn’t it already been more than confirmed that what Kristen and Rupert Sanders shared was a whole lot more than a one time, spontaneous hook up? It sounds to me like Rob is choosing to believe what he NEEDS to believe and not what makes sense.

How long do you think it’ll be before Kristen cheats again? More importantly, why on earth does a guy with Rob’s looks, fame and apparent values think he needs to settle for a trash bag like Kristen?  Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: ER/

Cate Meighan:
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