Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart To Marry – Or Else!

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart To Marry – Or Else!Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart To Marry – Or Else!

The moment a relationship is severed, a private rift takes place between you and that person. This rift could either blossom into tears on spoonfuls of ice cream while watching Love Story, or it could slam you back together one day, like an asteroid hit on Mars. The latter is true for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. According to a source, Robert has revealed that he will only take back Kristen if she is prepared to “truly commit to their relationship” – or in other words, get married to him. This might be one of the most moronic moves since the invention of lost car keys.

A source revealed to the Daily Star Sunday, “Rob has been keen to marry Kristen for quite a while and he doesn’t want to get back with her unless he knows she means it for life too. Although Kristen broke Rob’s heart he has realized he can’t live without her. He never stopped loving her and he believes she still loves him. They have both talked openly about marriage before and she’s been telling him for years that she doesn’t want to rush into anything.

Robert, did your mind go bye-bye one late evening when you saw Kristen on Animal Planet? The one person who broke your trust more than Santa Clause and you want to marry her if you get back together? Are you serious right now? The source added, “Kristen will do anything to get back with Rob now and one of the conditions is to discuss getting married in the future. Rob is very romantic and traditional.” Oh for crying on a cat!

We’re all for reconciliation and rainbows and gnomes on the buttocks of Kris Jenner, but this naive outlook by Rob and Kristen is akin to believing Glee will become consistent one day. If the rumours of a reunion are to be believed, and you two are planning to get back together, perhaps you should take baby steps and go for coffee first? The Rob/Stewart train of thought is to go for coffee, talk about how she cheated on him and broke his heart into a million pieces, and then get married at the nearest church. All of this will happen in exactly five minutes.

This isn’t Mission Impossible. This isn’t Tom Cruise. This is life. Figure it out first, before trying to score a married life with a dysfunctional woman who can’t act and a man who sparkles during day time. Good luck with Satan’s sister Robbie!

Photo Credit: Flynet UK/

Renier Palland:
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