When you think of the early days of Bella Swan, played by Kristen Stewart, you generally picture that quirky, awkward girl that was clumsy and very uncomfortable in her own skin. Frankly, I’m still leaning towards the notion that this incarnation of the character is actually how Kristen is in real life. The sexed up, confidant Bella heading to theaters in Breaking Dawn Part Two – now that is acting. Anyway, in a recent interview Robert Pattinson admits that he didn’t pay close enough attention to Kristen’s “acting’ to realize that Bella was on the klutzy side. In a Rob fan page he says,
“For some reason” waffled RPattz, “I listened to Taylor [Lautner] at ComicCon talking about the clumsy thing, and I thought, ‘Was she clumsy?’ And everyone always talked about the clumsiness. But yeah, I never understood it. It’s always the aspect of female characters and young female characters that’s supposed to be unattractive about them when they are clearly not unattractive. It’s like, she’s really clumsy, and I’ve never met a genuinely clumsy person or noticed someone who is like handicapped by being so clumsy, like it’s so weird.”
Maybe he never really noticed the character’s clumsiness because he was used to having Kristen on his arm and she didn’t have to stretch to far, if at all, to play Bella then. Or maybe she simply could do no wrong back then and it took a few months apart to actually see Kristen as the rest of us have come to – even if it was short lived. By now everyone has heard the rumbling’s that after a little break Rob has decided to give his whoring girlfriend another chance to cheat and screw him over.
Here’s what I wonder, do you think Rob really is impressed by Kristen’s acting ability? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!