Robert Pattinson Fears Career Ends With Twilight – Wants Lead In “Fifty Shades of Grey”

Is Robert Pattinson gearing up for his next successful francise? As the uber-successful Twlight series wraps up, what is next on Pattinson horizon? Well, Pattinson might be a little nervous about his future movie prospects, seeing that his other movies have not done well in the box office and were knocked by film critics all around. Remember Cosmopolis, Bel Ami and Little Ashes?  It’s okay if you didn’t, I’m sure Pattinson wants to forget them too.

I have a feeling that’s why he seemed to show so much enthusiasm when he was asked by MTV in an interview, if he read any Twilight fan fiction. His response?  “I read a bit of the Fifty Shades of Grey once, before it was Fifty Shades of Grey. Master of the Universe!”

For those of you who don’t know, Master of the Universe was the title of the fanfic that was written by author E.L. Harris (under the online name of Snowqueens Icedragon– yeah, that’s right) in which the fanfic was later edited, developed and published under the name of Fifty Shades of Grey. It’s actually pretty rare that anyone would know this information, since later the publishers of the novel cut all ties to the fanfic and it was subsequently marketed as “mommy-porn”.

So, how in the world did Pattinson get a hold of this information? Does he really sit around on his off days from making bad movies reading Twilight fanfic? Especially the highly inappropriate erotic ones? Does he have nothing better to do, like, I don’t know: take more acting lessons, comb his hair or develop a slightly better personality?

As much sense that it makes commercially for Pattinson to play Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades of Grey movie, I just really, really want the hot-ass Ian Somerhalder or the equally as hot Ryan Gosling to play the character of Grey. They just seem that they could pull off the whole masochistic vibe better that Pattinson.

So what do you guys think? Is Pattinson dropping not-so-subtle hints that he’ll be happy to play sadistic billionaire Christian Grey or should he let it go to the more experienced (and sexier) actors?  If yes, leave your picks to play Grey below!

Mo Adeyi:
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