Robert Pattinson Says Kristen Stewart Didn’t Have Sex With Rupert Sanders

It sounds like Kristen Stewart is slowly but surely working her wicked magic on the once head over heels Rob Pattinson. Recently published photos show the on-again couple canoodling this week at Kristen’s new LA pad and it’s pretty obvious that something good is brewing between them. It has been rumored since September that reconciliation is indeed in the works, but the duo has also been spotted out individually leading Twihards to further obsess over Rob and Kristen’s official status. According to Radar Online,

“Kristen is working hard to try and force the relationship into what it was before.  But the truth is, she’s going to have to take it slowly with Robert because he’s still having trouble trusting her again. For him to carry on like nothing happened is very hard. Kristen is eternally sorry for cheating on him and he has forgiven her — kind of.  The problem is he can’t forget her infidelity. Kristen claims that she never actually slept with Rupert Sanders, but Robert still has that nagging feeling of doubt that she did”.

Oh okay, now I do understand. All of that apologizing and begging on the home wrecker’s part is due to the notion that she messed around with Rupert Sanders, but didn’t actually bang him. Got it. I have to think Rob really is trying to believe this and maybe that’s why in his own head, his formerly strong stance on cheaters seems to have gone out the window here. Kissing Rupert could be seen as a slip or mistake, screwing him is totally different. Maybe in Kristen’s mind anyway but I’m guessing Liberty Ross would completely disagree with that nonsense!

I think Rob needs to listen to that little voice in the back of his head telling him that Kristen is still lying and back pedaling to save an obviously broken relationship. I mean if she cheated in the first place- and we know she’s capable because Rob entered her life (and bed) originally as a side dish – things weren’t really working anyway. There were problems that led her to even think Rupert was a possibility.  Rob already knows the truth, it just sounds like he is trying his damndest to believe otherwise.

Did Kristen and Rupert actually hook up or do you believe they were busted simply being a little too touchy feely on this one occasion? Is Kristen’s luck really THAT bad? Tell us your thoughts below!


Cate Meighan:
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