Robert Pattinson Still Believes in Love In Spite of Kristen Stewart’s Heartless Cheating

It’s always cute to see a person have hope even when the deck seems to be stacked against them. In this instance, I’m talking about Robert Pattinson. Even though the actor chooses to stay with Kristen Stewart, the a home wrecking sourpuss, he does still believe in true love. Apparently he was recently asked by Seventeen Espanol if he believed in that true, undying love that every teenage girl dreams of and his response was sweet,

Definitely, yes. It sounds cheesy, but I see it with my parents. My dad met my mom when she was 17 and they’re still happily together.  I believe in keeping your family and friends close, because they’ll treat you the same no matter what. Real relationships are not affected by whatever happens in life.”

I’m a little confused though. Does Rob think his relationship with Kristen Stewart is the real deal and so he is trying not to allow real life to derail it? I’m not exactly sure that line of thinking really would apply to his sharing a bed with the woman that has already trampled his heart once (that we know of). I understand about not letting the difficulties of life come between you and those that matter the most. But what about when those who matter so much purposely betray you, as Kristen did?

Rob may believe in the power of true love but I still hold to the notion that he’s going to find it elsewhere. The actor is headed down under to shoot for a few months after the holidays and it’ll be pretty interesting to see how solid this couple is when Rob has no choice but to trust Kristen. I think that’ll be the beginning of the real ending here. Is Kristen Rob’s true love? Tell us all about it in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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