Russell Brand’s Shocking Tell-All Book (Photo)

The current issue of US Weekly features the cover story ‘Russell’s Shocking Tell-All.’  The magazine claims that Katy Perry‘s nightmare has come true as her ex-husband Russell Brand plots to reveal their darkest secrets in his new tell-all book.    They go on to claim that Katy will never forgive him.  Russell filed for divorce from Katy December 30 after just 14 months of marriage – taking the singer by surprise.  So is Russell really writing a tell-all?  Well we will find out soon enough.

All featured in this week’s magazine they have an exclusive that Rihanna and Chris Brown have secretly been hooking up for over one year now.

US has the scoop: Rihanna, 23, and Brown, 22, have secretly been hooking up for nearly a year.  The edgy, platinum-selling “We Found Love” singer and Brown “meet up very casually,” a Brown confidante says. “She comes to see him anytime she’s in L.A.” Explains a music industry source: “They can’t get enough of each other. I don’t see it ending well.” “Rihanna loves to live dangerously, and talking to and hooking up with Chris is all part of that,” adds a Rihanna insider.

How could the mega-celeb Rihanna possibly care about a loser like Chris Brown?  In any case, the heart is a lonely hunter – and in Rihanna’s case, a self-destructive one as well. Rihanna had to go for a holiday in Hawaii to escape her frustrations over Chris.

For more on the shocking reunion of Chris Brown and Rihanna and Russell Brand’s tell-all, pick up the current issue of US Weekly.

Jaclyn Reid:
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