Ryan Seacrest Won’t Be Taking A Pay Cut On American Idol

Ryan Seacrest isn’t going to go hungry. If producers slash his American Idol pay packet – Boss Nigel Lythgoe is going to put his hand in his pocket and keep Ryan in the manner to which he’s accustomed.

According to TMZ  Nigel has vowed to make up the difference if the popular host’s salary heads south in future seasons. There’s talk Mr Seacrest is getting $15 million for this season. But not all involved in the show are pleased with his generous wage.

Nigel says Ryan is ‘extremely important‘ to the ongoing success of American Idol. So he’s not going to give an integral part of the talent show’s winning formula a reason to jump ship. He’s worried how the program would work without the cool, calm and collected Seacrest… so if salaries start getting the chop he’ll splash his own cash to keep Ryan on board.

Season 11 of American Idol kicked off last night and there have already been a couple of cracks about Ryan’s exorbitant pay packet. There was one wannabe who couldn’t hold a tune – but he did have an uncanny resemblance to the host. The 26 year old even did an impromptu impression of the busiest man in TV and radio. Judge Randy Jackson joking ‘Will you work for half of Ryan’s pay?’ A little bit close to home?

Idol can’t afford to lose Seacrest. They have some major competition with The Voice. Any big changes  – like losing the host – could hurt the award winning franchise. Nigel Lythgoe knows that …why else would he fork out his own money to keep a staff member on the books.

Melanie Usher:
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