Selena Gomez Brings Music Career to a Screeching Halt (Video)

Selena Gomez Brings Music Career to a Screeching Halt (Video)Selena Gomez Brings Music Career to a Screeching Halt (Video)

Selena Gomez is one smart cookie.  Staying true to herself is causing the former Disney star to abandon music for now.  Aside from the fact that she appears to still not let the enormous amount of success that she has enjoyed go to her head, she follows her heart.

Some of the biggest Hollywood stars have walked both sides of Music-Movie Boulevard with equal facility.  Jennifer Hudson and Justin Timberlake are two recent examples – of course we have Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra from the ‘old days’ to show that crossover mastery is nothing new.

As Showbiz Spy reported (via MTV News), Gomez is really ready to focus all of her attention on acting:

“I’m just kind of halting music for a bit. [I’ve] been really focused on more acting.
“For me it’s been fun to take risks and do things that are completely different,” she said.

“To be honest, maybe some of you guys might not be comfortable with it … I’m still the same person. Things that challenge me really excite me.

“I’m doing another movie called The Getaway with Ethan Hawke. It’s really, really exciting. So we’re doing that and then hopefully another movie, but that hasn’t really been confirmed yet.

“Then I’ll start working on my fourth album, which will be the best album I’ll ever do!”

SEE: Selena Gomez Shocks Justin Bieber With Butt Grabbing Photo

It would seem that Gomez is already a smart business woman.  Crossing back and forth between both music and film will ensure that she never overstays her welcome on either side.  She’s sharpening her skills and slowly but most assuredly transitioning into a star that will be around for as long as she cares to be.

Which side of Selena do you prefer – actress or musician?  Let us know in the comments.

Cate Meighan:
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