“Sons of Anarchy” Season 5 Episode 10 “Crucifixed”: Preview and Spoilers!

Sons of Anarchy just continues to heat up each week, and it’ll be back this coming Tuesday with an all new, action-packed, special 90-minute episode. Sounds pretty great, huh? We love spoilers and previews here at CDL, so if small dosages of spoilage upset your stomach then divert your attention now. Don’t say we didn’t warn you (because we did).

On the upcoming episode, which is titled “Crucifixed,” Juice finds out that his cover has been blown — and that now Jax knows that he was responsible for giving up the club. Sneaky, Juice, but not sneaky enough. It will be interesting to see how the hunt will go down in this extra long episode, and if Jax will finally trap his rat and find the resolution he’s been seeking. Juice is told to run and get out of Charming as fast as he can — if he values his life at all.

On last week’s episode, we saw tons of action, and this upcoming episode promises to be no different. The promo clip, which we have for you below, is filled with action packed scenes and — as is quite common with SOA — gunshots, bribery, bargaining, and fast cars. Oh, and did I mention gunshots?

In a brief scene toward the beginning, we see Clay conversing with Romeo. “What do you want,” says Romeo. “I want protection,” Clay says. Geez! What are we going to do with these characters? They get themselves into deep trouble, cause a raucous, and then they go crying to their neighbors wanting protection. Craziness. It will be interesting to see if Romeo lends a sympathetic ear to Clay or if he’ll just tell him to fend for himself. What do you all think?

Jax and Tara share an intimate moment as well. “We’re gonna get through this like we did with everything else,” he says. “That’s what scares me the most,” Tara says with a concerned tone. What do you all make of their relationship dynamic this season?

Watch the preview below and let us know what you’re excited about! How do you feel about this season of Sons of Anarchy? Is it going well for you? What do you want to see happen next? Any characters that are just getting on your nerves? Season 5 Episode 10 “Crucifixed” airs Tuesday, November 13th on FX for a special 90-minute episode. Check it out and make sure to come back to CDL for all your Sons of Anarchy previews and all of your Sons of Anarchy spoilers!

Image credit to FX

Nicholas Sanford:
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