If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, it’s probably because you’r tossing and turning in anticipation of True Blood‘s fifth season, which is going to be bloodier, scarier, and all around more epic than it’s ever been before! This new season will highlight all of our favorite characters, including an onslaught of new ones that will be, needless to say, incredibly badass.
As everyone waits for the June 10th premiere, all the Truebies of the world have truly found a friend in HBO . . . because they understand our need for new content! Recently, they’ve come out with three new clips that do just enough to get us both excited and wanting more True Blood.
It’s true that Eric and Bill have never really gotten along in the past, but I think it’s safe to say that there’s always been an underlying friendship there — a vampiric, brotherly, blood bond of sorts. In modern, non-vampiric terms: a bro-mance. In one of the clips, we see Eric cleaning up Nan’s dead-vampire-bloody-gut-juices (they killed her at season 4’s end, remember) while Bill is on the phone chatting and employing his signature tools of deception. We don’t get a whole bunch from that clip, but what we do get is a promise — a promise that Eric and Bill will, likely, play vital roles in one another’s storylines. Might they become friends? And how will the steamy love triangle between Eric, Bill, and Sookie be treated this season? Do you think it’ll be emphasized as heavily? Can’t wait to see.
Another scene features the ripped werewolf Alcide and our favorite Southern fairy, Sookie, sitting at a table having an intense conversation. As always, the lil’ puppy dog wants to protect Sookie from the newly released vampire Russell Edgington, who’s 3,000 years old, but she turns down his offer. Nothing new. Will we have three men vying for Sookie’s heart? Will Joe Manganiello, who plays Alcide, miraculously acquire better acting skills? Everything’s on the line this season.
In the final clip, we find ourselves sitting around a dinner table with secondary characters Terry, Arlene, their small children, and Terry’s new friend, Patrick. Eventually, Arlene slips and says that the house they’re staying in is just a temporary situation. Take a look at the clip below and see what you think of Patrick and Terry’s relationship. There’s definitely something unsettling about Patrick’s character, and the story he possesses, so it’ll be interesting to see how his presence influences not only Terry’s life but Arlene’s as well. Will there be trouble in paradise? Patrick’s role in this season hasn’t been discussed very much around the web . . . so if you know anything or would like to leave your guesses/assumptions as to what he might be or do, please tell us!
The fifth season of True Blood will air on June 10th on HBO. If you’re a Truebie like I am, then I know you’ll be there. Until then, pop open a can of AB+ and enjoy these delicious clips! Also, make sure to check out CDL’s TRUE BLOOD section — no news that is worth sucking up escapes us.
Credits: Videos Courtesy of HBO; Images Courtesy of HBO, edited by CDL