Suri Cruise Heartbroken – Abandoned By Her Father Tom Cruise

The current issue of In Touch features the cover story ‘Suri Cruise Abandoned By Daddy – 44 Days without Tom.’  The magazine speculates this week whether Tom Cruise has chosen Scientology over his daughter Suri Cruise for good.  Tom has not seen Suri in quite a while and she is reportedly devastated, she understandably misses her Daddy!

Remember when it seemed like the whole Tom and Katie Holmes divorce was going to get super ugly and then it just didn’t? Everything was supposedly worked out as amicably as possible, with Suri’s best interest being first and foremost in everyone’s minds?  Somehow Tom even agreed to allow his daughter to attend a typical New York City private school rather than insisting on the homeschooling that Scientology would normally insist upon.

Well, according to the new issue of In Touch, Tom has hardly been even his typical version of a hands on father. In fact, Suri hasn’t seen him in a month and a half and the supposedly doting dad even missed her very first day of school! The Scientology obsessed star seems to have completely shut out his six year old and it’s leaving those closest to her worried. Is he doing as he’s told by his cult leaders, and does that include shunning his daughter?

Also in the new issue Jessica Simpson sounds off on being repeatedly called fat. No, she has not lost all of that baby weight and quite frankly, she’s sick of hearing about it. Normal women don’t usually return to their pre-baby size over night, if at all, and Jess is sick of being held to a different standard. Her main concern is her daughter and being healthy.

In Touch has the latest on Kate Middleton’s topless photo scandal and they also are doing one of my favorite features- stars without make up.  Pick up the newest copy to catch a glimpse of 27 different celebs before they hit the makeup chair!

Robyn Good:
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