Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans: Screwed Over By James Duffy


It looks like Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans is learning a very valuable lesson the hard way, twice. Once again nude photos of the reality star have hit the internet thanks to Twitter and Jenelle is reeling from the embarrassment.  Her former boss, James Duffy, claimed that he had the scandalous pics and fought over them on the social networking site for awhile.  Apparently Jenelle didn’t think he’d actually leak them, until Saturday when they magically appeared. Her response to the public humiliation, via Twitter, of course,

 “Leave me the F*** alone, PLEASE. I hope u die. I’m so upset. I tried to stay strong…”

So how did her former boss get his scummy hands on her photos? According to Gather he stole them from his former friend, Kieffer Delp’s phone.  Delp is rumored to actually feel completely responsible for Jenelle’s current situation. She claims that the photos were taken before she had even met Duffy and that he has held on to them just waiting for this type of opportunity to arise.

There’s a lesson in this. If you take your clothes off and take photos or roll film, it will inevitable end up in the wrong hands or viewed by the wrong set of eyes. Jenelle is not the sharpest crayon in the box. Do you think she has actually learned her lesson here or in a few months do you think more photos will pop up?  You know, after her Teen Mom fame starts to fade a bit?  Do you think she’s secretly glad to get the publicity that this type of scandal brings?  Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!