Teen Mom 2 Season 3 Episode 1 Recap 11/12/12

Tonight is the season 3 premiere of  TEEN MOM 2 on MTV and we will get to see our favorite Teen Moms: Jenelle Evans, Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, and Leah Messer for a new season and a new night.  This season the teen moms will all deal with their growing babies, school, work, family, and of course, relationship drama.

If you have never watched the show “Teen Mom 2” is a spin-off of the MTV documentary series “16 and Pregnant”. The show follows the stories of four girls from the second season of “16 and Pregnant” and documents the challenges of their first years of motherhood. Each episode interweaves stories of four teenage girls who are navigating the bumpy terrain of adolescence, growing pains, and coming of age – all while facing the responsibility of being a young mother.

On tonight’s season premiere called “Walk The Line” Leah prepares for her divorce; Jenelle tries to stay clean while on probation; and Kailyn wants to get back together with Jo.

Tonight’s episode is going to be a wild one and you don’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of MTV’s Teen Mom 2 tonight at 10PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about a new season of Teen Mom 2? Check out the sneak peek video of tonight’s episode below.  Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts!


Here we go with an hour of the most dysfunctional teens on earth.  We start off with Jenelle who is super proud because she thinks she passed a drug test. She tells her attorney how disturbing it was to have to pee in the cup while her probation officer stood over her watching.  Her mother is hoping that this time she’ll actually keep it together.

Chelsea is back with Adam again. They seem to really dig that on/off again merry go round. Chelsea is contemplating beauty school and struggling to take care of her daughter. Kailyn may be the most stable of the bunch. She’s juggling being a single mom to Isaac and working at a local boutique while on break from school. She has learned her lesson and is determined not to bring random guys into her kids life too fast.

Leah is the cheater with twin girls. She has already been married and divorced and is now pregnant with another kid but we’ll get to that later in the season. For now Leah is stressing about her daughters doctors appointments and figures that her ex, Corey won’t show up.

Jenelle is juggling school. Taking care of her son and now we get to see her in action interviewing for a job at a daycare. At this point she is happy to be sober and appears to have calmed down and done a complete 180. Chelsea is working on her GED and has already passed her writing test. She says that she has put off taking her test because of all the drama with Adam. Stupid girl, you never let a guy prevent you from accomplishing things. Her friend also thinks this reunion between Chelsea and Adam is a horrible idea.

Kailyn checks out Joe’s new video that he posted online and the song features a new girl. Kailyn is trying to figure out if Joe and this chick named “V” are a couple. Obviously she’s jealous of what she sees on her computer.  Leah muddles through her baby daughter’s physical therapy appointment alone and gets a text from Corey saying that he’ll be coming to her doctor’s appointment. She’s pissed because it took them breaking up for him to become involved with his daughters health issues.

Jenelle may have cleaned up her act but she still clashes with good ole mom. She had taken a minute to pick up Jace’s toys before grabbing him a diaper and mom started to panic because he likes to pee on the floor. Jenelle eventually tells her to “shut the hell up” before leaving. Chelsea attempts to go to lunch with Adam and it goes horribly. Aubree starts screaming and Chelsea’s very immature parenting skills are on display when she whines, “Ah-dammmm, help me.”  He looks her dead in the eyes and tells her that he has no idea how to calm his crying daughter. That line spoke volumes for all of these kids. None of them know how to take care of their kids.

Kailyn is having a real problem with Joe and his video chick. I guess it was fine when she was seeing other people but it’s a bit different to see Joe with someone else. Cailyn is freaking at the thought of this other girl being in the same bed that she shared with Joe while she was pregnant. Seeing your ex with someone new is never easy but I guess being forced to co parent as teens makes it even harder.

Since Chelsea and Adam’s dinner date failed they instead opted to grab Chinese food and go back to her place. She is pushing for an answer on what they are to each other. While he agrees not to see other people, he doesn’t fully agree to date her either. Are you surprised that Jenelle can’t keep it together? Me neither. After fighting with her mom she went out with her friend Marisa and decided to smoke some pot. A few good hits and she was done but now she has to face the consequences. She has a drug test in a week and unless she comes up with a way to get it out of her system, she can go to jail.  Foolish enough to smoke but she’s smart enough to know that pot stays in your system for 30 days after smoking it.

Kailyn decides that talking to Joe is the best way to handle things. She needs to discuss him having V around their son. Joe tells her that he thinks they are doing great at co parenting but being together or hooking up is a mistake. He reassures Kailyn that no one is playing mom to her son but her. She asks him to leave and you’ll have to tune in next week to see if she can handle Joe’s honesty.




Cate Meighan:
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