Teresa Giudice Says She Adores Ugly Niece Antonia Gorga: Melissa Gorga Wants Blood!

Teresa Giudice Says She Adores Ugly Niece Antonia Gorga: Melissa Gorga Wants Blood!Teresa Giudice Says She Adores Ugly Niece Antonia Gorga: Melissa Gorga Wants Blood!

Wasn’t Teresa Giudice’s fifteen minutes up about six months ago?  The attention whore has once again used her blog (that’s ghostwritten by someone that knows big words and how to place them in a sentence) at a springboard to throw more evil garbage into the media. Of course, it’s in the form of a denial but hey, it’s still publicity right? It’ll still get her another week or two in the tabloids, right?

This time around, Teresa is talking at length about how she (supposedly) did NOT call her young niece, Antonia Gorga ugly.  The wanna be Jersey princess swears up and down that THIS is the one thing she truly didn’t do. All of those other accusations made by Melissa Gorga, well those are different. Teresa would never insult Melissa’s little girl- or at least that’s what she’d like us all to believe. According to her,

Someday Antonia will be old enough to make her own decisions and hopefully I’ll have a relationship with her and her brothers then, but I have to answer the INSANE LIE that I ever, ever said anything mean about Antonia.  Someday when Antonia is able to Google her own name, she’ll find the evil story her mother told to a magazine about me calling her “ugly” (I can only pray Melissa’s words were taken out of context by the magazine and I hope Melissa sets the record straight with Antonia privately, even though she didn’t publicly) but I want Antonia to also see my response: it’s absolutely NOT TRUE.  “I adore you Antonia, and I adore Gino and Joey. You are my blood. You are Gorgas. You are beautiful inside and out!  Zia, Teresa will always, ALWAYS love you and always be here for you with open arms. My children love you as well. They always treated you like their own sister growing up since you didn’t have any. I hope one day you’ll be able to hang out again.

Seriously? Antonia is not even ten yet Teresa is talking about her googling her own name down the road!  I’ve been pretty up on all the RHONJ gossip and even I hadn’t heard this particular rumor which makes me wonder if Teresa is planting this blog post as a way to hurt Melissa’s family.  I mean, Teresa now has made absolutely sure that if this kid looked online she’ll find this particular bit of nastiness, hasn’t she?

Would Teresa purposely plant this about a child in the press?  There’s no doubt that she’s completely evil so it’s hard for me to think that Teresa would have any type of boundaries even if it came to the kids. Will Melissa swing back in defense of her child or will she refuse to involve her daughter in any of the trash that Teresa spews? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: BRJ/Fame Pictures


Cate Meighan:
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