Categories: Glee

The Best Glee Season Ever

Okay, you got me. I am a Gleek, a huge one, in fact. I imagine my life to be like Glee one day, filled to the brim with musical renditions of famous songs and Britney Spear’s all kinds of crazy remarks. One day, one day…

Many a Gleek has asked, what is the best Glee season in history? Was it the overtly schmaltzy first season or the bizarre and inconsistent second season? Or was it the extremely emotional third season? Celeb Dirty Laundry takes a look and we came up with some pretty surprising results.

The worst season, in our humble entertainment writer opinion, is the second one. Why? The sequel season struggled to hold ratings and severely diminished the Glee we came to love in the first season. The plot flipped and turned into a boring Christmas party with our drunken uncle Bubba slobbering on his seat with cookie crumbs in his crotch. Sue just wasn’t that funny anymore and Chord Overstreet (Sam) in golden underwear gave us ridiculous nightmares. This season also contained Grilled Cheesus and more inconsistency than a schizophrenic nun at a gay pride parade. We were sad. Glee was no more.

Season three popped up and started off with a bizarre Quinn (and Ryan Seacrest tats). The entire first part of the third season had more show tunes than the entire Broadway and West End combined, but we stuck through it and ended up with a season which was emotional as it was nostalgic. The finale gave us one of the most memorable scenes in the history of television and made us weep like love struck teenagers at Justin Bieber’s wedding.

This leaves us with season one. What made this one of the greatest television seasons in recent history? Well, firstly, it was one of the first times we were introduced to the magic of Glee and the underdog sub-themes which we all are able to relate to. It broke boundaries with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender) issues and gave us one of the most important generation based shows in recent memory.

Season one wins, without a single doubt. We’re super excited for the fourth season where it is rumored that Jessica Sanchez of American Idol fame will play an important part.

Take off your Cheerio outfits readers, Glee is returning with a bang. We can feel it in our fingers. We can feel it in our toes. Will you be watching? Let us know in the comments below.


Renier Palland:
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