The Bodyguard Movie remake with The Navy SEAL Bodyguard Group (Video)

The Navy SEAL Bodyguard Group & The Bodyguard Group of Beverly Hills Main web site: www.TheBodyguardGroup.com has been featured on an Episode of Craigslist-TV.com this “The Bodyguard” movie remake will air Today 03-29-2012 this Thursday Afternoon on Craigslist-TV.com

This is a remake of “The Bodyguard” story of an up and coming Whitney Houston type Singer who wants a Kevin Costner – Frank Farmer type of Celebrity Bodyguard.

As in the Movie “The Bodyguard” a Love Story occurs in the Episode.  A Whitney Houston superfan “JT” hires his Kevin Costner – Frank Farmer type of Celebrity Bodyguard from www.TheBodyguardGroup.com.

“JT” picks Celebrity Bodyguard Mark Zella, a 10 year United States Marine Corp Officer (LT) Special Operations (LT) Lieutenant Team Leader who had worked with The U.S. Navy SEAL Teams (ST~6) and U.S. Army Special Forces 1st SFOD ~ Delta (Delta Force) as part of SOCOM anti-terrorism Operations.

Mark Zella is a highly respected member of The Navy SEAL Bodyguard Group & The Bodyguard Group of Beverly Hills and starts this Kevin Costner – Frank Farmer assignment as “The Bodyguard” to  Whitney Houston superfan “JT”.

Watch for a special Celebrity Cameo in this Episode Pilot.  Owner Kris Herzog of The Navy SEAL Bodyguard Group & The Bodyguard Group of Beverly Hills is currently taking meetings to start a NEW reality show about their Navy SEAL Team members working as celebrity Bodyguards and the 45 year history of protecting and being in the inner circle of the World’s Rich & Famous.

Kris Herzog has just written a book about his life and protecting Celebrities, Kris has NEVER signed a Non Disclousure Agreement in his 27 years and a preview of his book can be found on his book & movie preview site:  www.KrisHerzog.com  and www.TheBodyguardGroup.com .

Robyn Good:
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