The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Recap: Episode 6 “Crystal Light ?Mocktail? Party” 3/25/12

The Celebrity Apprentice returns tonight to NBC with a whole new episode called “Crystal Light ?Mocktail? Party” .  On last week’s episode Lou Ferrigno stepped up the plate and took on the Project Manager’s job.  He won the task and $50,000 for his charity the Muscular Dystrophy Association.  If you missed the show you can read our full recap here!

This week Lou will take the $50,000 he won and  will donate the full amount to Abbey Umali after he was moved by her story.  Lou fought back tears as he heard of her plight, as it brought back memories of his own painful upbringing.

He said on the show, “I’m giving $50,000 that I won from my charity to Abbey… Close to birth…I lost like 80 per cent of my hearing and I had difficulty speaking. It had always been a challenge for me but as a kid when I was growing up, you never wanted to feel sorry for yourself, ever. I feel like I went back in time to when I was a child. She reminded me of what I had when I was young.”

On tonight’s show the Celebrities’ hosting skills are put to the test when Mr. Trump tasks the teams with putting on a party to promote Crystal Light. One team creates the ultimate beach experience, complete with beach balls and bikini babes, while the other team creates an exotic Garden of Eden. The executives have a difficult decision on their hands, but one team emerges victorious and Donald Trump fires another celebrity. Boardroom advisors: Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. Special guests Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb (NBC’s Today Show).

We will be live blogging I’m Going To Mop The Floor With You with all the up-to-the-minute details at 9PM EST so make sure to come back to this spot and watch the show with us.   Make sure to refresh often so you get the most current info!  While you wait for the episode you can catch a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s show opens with the ladies talking after the Boardroom and some of the ladies are not happy about the comments that were made there. Lisa is determined to get rid of Patricia and Dayana.  I really dislike her!

Lou Ferrigno comes to give his check for $50,000 to Abby the Ambassador for Muscular Dystrophy.

The teams come to meet Mr. Trump – he tells them about Crystal light a brand that has done well for 30 days. He tells them about a new brand called the Mocktail from Crystal Light.  Crystal Light has recently launched the Mocktail brand – the teams task this week  is to throw a fabulous Crystal Light Mock launch party.   They will be judged on creativity, brand message and party atmosphere.  The advisers this week are Ivanka and Donald Jr.

The men choose Clay Aikins as the Project Manager and the ladies choose Aubrey O’Day.  Each team has a mocktail – the men have the Peach Belini and the ladies have the Pom-tini.

The men are finding it hard to come up with party ideas because none of them are party men.  Hard to believe!

The ladies chose the Pomtini – Pomegranate fruit. Aubrey tells the ladies that in some cultures they think the apple is not the forbidden fruit they thing the pomegranate is. They come up with the the line the unforbidden fruit.

The execs from Crystal light come to the ladies to tell them what their brand is about. They are looking for sassy, vibrant and fun. The three words make Aubrey nervous about their idea of the garden of eden.

Over at the men’s team the execs tell the men that there is something unique about Crystal Light it is party in a pack. Clay realizes they need to think about fun things and less about a stuffy party.

Clay suggests to use the them Life’s a Beach statement but rather use Life’s a Peach and set up a beach theme. Dee likes the idea. They can set up a beach party.

Over at the ladies they are going to do Popsicles. Theresa loves to entertain and she does parties all the time. Teresa has been told she has exquisite taste so she is going to take care of the furniture. Aubrey has asked Debbie to write an original Crystal light song. Patricia is taking care of branding – and Lisa tells Patricia she will spell check and proof read everything Patricia does. Lisa is being obnoxious again – what’s new??

Lisa goes to Aubrey and squeals on Patricia. Patricia thinks Aubrey and Lisa are horrible and she is right.

Clay is taking charge and telling everyone how to set up the room – they are setting a beach up in the store window. Arsenio is seeing that Penn is making an effort – Penn was not happy with the comments in the boardroom last week so he is trying. Penn and Arsenio head out and Clay is glad he is gone out.

Dee is going to take care of signage – Dee feels he can take care of graphics. Clay and the men call their friends to come to the party. Dee says the men are over inviting because they want their party to look fun.

Invaka shows up and asks how Clay is doing – Clay tells Ivanka none of them party and none of them drink. Invanka finds it hard to believe. Ivanka asks Clay if he is letting Penn work on the task and Clay lets her know Penn is contributing.

Don Jr. shows up at the ladies team – Aubrey tells Don Jr. they are going with the Adam and Eve theme and the unforbidden fruit. Don Jr. asks Aubrey what about the criteria of fun and Don Jr. thinks she is missing that. Teresa tells Donald Jr. She is not sure she likes the slogan ‘Stir your healthy desire.’

Lisa thinks that Teresa complained because she wants ammunition in the boardroom.

Debbie and Dayana are in the park taking pictures of the flowers to put on the walls.  Aubrey tells them when she gets the photos back that they are beautiful.  Aubrey sends Debbie to the studio to record and original song for Crystal Light.

Aubrey asks Patricia if she has gotten everything sent to the printer.  Aubrey is finding Patricia difficult because she does not get everything approved.

Patricia hopes people can see what Lisa and Aubrey are and how they back-stab and criticize everyone.

Paul is building the bar.  Arsenio, Dee and Clay are practicing what songs they are going to sing.

Over at the ladies team Debby has gotten a producer to help her with the sing.  Dayana thinks Debbie sounds great – she loves the song.

Over at the men’s team there is a lot to do – it is the end of the night.  Clay feels the pressure is on and he is feeling a little stressed out.

When the printing arrived Aubrey goes through the photos and she is not happy because there are no Crystal light pictures.  Aubrey is also upset the carpet man has not arrived and Teresa promises it will be there.

Clay was worried yesterday but he feels better today because things seem to be coming together.  The Signage does not look exactly like Clay wanted but it is okay.  Paul is opening up little umbrellas for the drinks and he finds it tedious.  Clay is hoping that having a unique idea will be good and help him win the task.

At the ladies team the carpet guy finally showed up.  The Popsicles showed up and they are messy.  Aubrey is happy with her event she thinks it is sheik.  A ton of people are there and they come in the rook looks really nice.  There is a lounge setting.

Over at the men’s team – the party has started but not guests have showed up.  The men were so worried no one would show up that Clay sent Arsenio and Penn out to get people to come in.  As Dee said it is not a party if there are no people.  All of a sudden people flowed in.  A lot of Clay’s Claymates showed up.  Arsenio gets everyone up to dance and party.  They do the limbo and they look like they are having a great time!  But will it be enough??

Over at the ladies team Lisa is happy with the party.  The execs from Crystal Light come in and Aubrey rushed over to them to give them a total tour of the place.  The ladies get Debbie to get up and sing the song she wrote for Crystal light.  The whole theme more or less sucks – but the song by Debbie Gibson is great and this may win the ladies the task.  The execs really look impressed by the song and  Aubrey is sure she has won.  She just cannot imagine how the men could possibly top her.

The execs head over to the men’s team.  Kathy Lee shows up shows up and gets to try their beverages.  Everyone looks like they are having a great time.  Right as the party is 1/2 hour before the close.  The execs were all smiles because they walked into the festive atmosphere.  Arsenio gets Clay to sing Under The Boardwalk and the whole room joins in.  Clay feels he gave them what they wanted party and fun.

Over at the ladies team – Aubrey feels like this was the first time the ladies joined together.

Donald Trump meets with the execs from Crystal Light.  They loved the atmosphere the men created.  They loved the song that Debbie Gibson created.  (I knew the song would do it)  The execs felt Aubrey was the star of her team because she acted like a marketing exec.  They thought the men’s team should have more branding.  They felt that the ladies should have had more branding about Crystal Light and not just the drink they were promoting.

Boardroom:   The ladies are sure they won.  Teresa tells Donald that Aubrey did an amazing job.  Even Patricia agrees the ladies did a great job.  Patricia tells Donald the women realize they have to get along.  Lisa tells Donald she is 99% sure they won.  Donald asks Debbie to sing the song she created for Crystal Light.  Aubrey lets Donald know she gave the CD of Debbie singing to everyone that was at the party.

Teresa goes over what the party was about – the Garden of Eden which was Aubrey’s concept.  Teresa tells Donald she would fire Dayana if they lose.  Dayana says she would fire Aubrey the project manager.  Lisa says she would fire Dayana but she did step up this week.  Dayana defends herself she brought beautiful people to the party Miss USA, models and she took the pictures for the party.  Donald tells the ladies the execs really liked the job they did.

Donald tells Clay the execs loved him.  Arsenio lets Donald know that Clay did a fantastic job.  Dee felt Clay did a great job and the team was very strong.  Dee thinks Clay is a great player and he is blown away by him.   Penn says he had no way of judging a good party but he thought Clay did a fantastic job.   Donald puts Clay on the spot and asks him who he would bring back.  Clay tells Donald he would bring back Dee or Lou or Paul.

Aubrey would bring back Dayana and Patricia.

Donald Jr. tells the ladies he loved their theme.  They loved the what’s your healthy desire.  They thought the party was polished and chic.  They thought they was not enough focus on the brand.

Ivanka said the execs loved the men’s team and the party atmosphere.  They liked the bartenders.  The wanted to see more signage.  Dee put the signs up with Clay’s supervision.

Donald starts by saying the execs loved both teams.  Donald asks Aubrey if she is prepared to win and she tells Donald her heart will be broken if she does not win.  Donald tells her then her heart is broken – the women have lost.

The men win and clay wins $50,000 for his charity.  Clay is thrilled to have won the money but he is upset because he had to say bad things about three people he likes.  The men turns the TV on.

Aubrey is crying – she is very sad for her charity.  Lisa is shocked she is very surprised.    Donald feels bad for Aubrey and he is going to give $10,000 for her charity.  Lisa starts to cry ughhh cannot stand her.  Aubrey tells Donald she does not want to break up the synergy in her team.  Aubrey would bring back Dayana and Patricia.  Teresa is surprised she thought the party was great – Teresa does not think they lost because of the Project Manager.  Teresa would fire Dayana.  Patricia will not say that – because everyone did a great job. 

Donald asks Aubrey if she should be fired and she actually tells Donald she is an invaluable player – ughhh she is arrogant.  Invaka asks who did the signage and who focused on Pomtini.   Aubrey claims that she made it clear that she wanted Pomtini and Crystal Light equally big.

Patricia was in charge of signage – Patricia claims that she had it all approved by Aubrey.  Debbie says she would fire Patricia – she does not think they can afford to lose Aubrey.  Dayana reminds Donald that they have lost the past 4 tasks so something is going wrong.  Lisa wants Patricia fired.  Aubrey decides to bring Patricia and Dayana back to the boardroom.

The three ladies come back to the boardroom: Aubrey, Patricia and Dayana.  Aubrey tells Donald she should not be fired.  She feels Dayana should be fired.  She believes Patricia is a stronger player.

Dayana tells everyone she does not take it personally.  Dayana tells Donald most of the tasks they have lost because of the theme and they have lost the past 4 tasks.

Patricia feels in this specific task there was a problem with the printing.  Patricia denies it is her fault – she claims that Aubrey approved every single thing.

I really dislike Aubrey she attacks and attacks and I think everyone is totally taken in by her.  I also think Aubrey is totally jealous of Dayana and that is why she attacks her week after week.

At the end Donald, Donald Jr and Ivanka put the loss down to the printing and Donald decides to fire Patricia.

Robyn Good:
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