The Next Kate Middleton Topless Vacation Is In The Works!

The Next Kate Middleton Topless Vacation Is In The Works! 1007The Next Kate Middleton Topless Vacation Is In The Works! 1007

Prince William and Kate Middleton are being extra careful their next holiday isn’t plastered all over the tabloids. The couple have decided to go back to the exotic island of Mustique for their winter vacation. In addition to having entertained the royals many times before, the private Caribbean hot spot is heralded for its ban on photographers.

“It’s the one place in the world they can be guaranteed privacy. Everyone staying there will keep their discretion. They’ll finally be able to relax and enjoy a holiday without worrying about being snapped,” a royal source told The Mirror.

This is probably a smart decision. I can only imagine how paranoid Kate is right now with regards to vacations. But still, another vacation? I get these two are busy and do a lot for their country but do they have to go on a vacation after every public outing? I’m a huge Kate defender and even I think this is a big much. She should come out with a swimsuit line she’s in bikinis so much.

But I don’t understand why the Cambridges think no one’s going to take pictures of them on Mustique. It’s not a fool proof plan. William joined Kate and her family on the Middleton trip to  Mustique last January and pictures managed to escape the island. We didn’t see any royal T & A but we did catch Kate and Pippa eating at a picnic table in their bikinis. The pictures weren’t great but they were available. So how can they stop more from happening? Can they rent out the whole island? The last time they did something like that pictures escaped of them on their honeymoon in the Seychelles. It sucks but I just don’t know how Kate and William can get around being papped by paparazzi or regular people. So word to the wise. Grin and bear it and keep you tops on! If you’re not naked then it’s no big deal and if you don’t like being center of attention than buy a private island. Johnny Depp did it!

Do you think the royal couple is going through all this trouble so a Kate Middleton topless vacation can take place again? Are Kate and William acting too paranoid about privacy?

Photo Credit: BIG UK/

Jeanne Adams:
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