The Voice Recap: Season 2 ‘Live Eliminations’ 4/10/12

Last night The Voice treated us to the second of the Live Performances of Season 2 and tonight the second Live Eliminations will air on NBC.  This week pitted six Team Cee Lo singers against six Team Adam singers.  Did you watch the show?  We did and we recapped it here for you!

The voting results are revealed live and we will see which 4 talented but sad people have to leave the show.  Two artists from Team Cee Lo and two from Team Adam will be sent home.  The three with the lowest votes from each team will sing for survival tonight, while the coaches decide which two from each team head home.

On this week’s episode with survival on the line, the artists from Cee Lo and Adam’s teams perform – and America votes.  Left on team Adam Levine is: Karla Davis; Katrina Parker; Kim Yarbrough; Mathai; Pip; and Tony Lucca.  Left on team Cee Lo is: Cheesa; Erin Martin;  Jamar Rogers; James Massone; Juliet Simms and Tony Vincent.

Who were your favorite singers from Team Cee Lo and Team Adam from last night on The Voice? Who’s most likely to go home tonight?  In my opinion standout performances from last night were Jamar Rogers, Tony Vincent and Juliet Simms.  Hit the comments and let us know what you think!

We will be live blogging The Voice tonight with all the up-to-the-minute details at 8PM EST so make sure to come back to this spot and watch the show with us.  Refresh often to get the most up-to-date results!

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RECAP: Last night team Adam and team Cee Lo put everything on the line to get America’s votes. It is time to find out which three artists on team Adam that are safe in no particular order; Mathai, Tony Lucca and the final save, Pip. Kim Yarbrough, Karla Davis and Katrina Parker have a last chance to sing in the hopes of staying on the show for one more week.

It’s time to reveal which three artists on team Cee Lo that are safe in no particular order; Juliet Simms, Jamar Rogers and the last save is James Massone.  This leaves us with Cheesa, Erin Martin and Tony Vincent that will be singing for their lives tonight.

For the bottom three artists on each team, it is time to give it all they got for their last chance to star on the show. On team Adam, Kim sings “Spotlight”, Karla sings ‘I Can’t Make You Love Me” and Katrina sings “Don’t Speak”. Blake is leaning towards Katrina to save, Christina definitely agrees with what Blake said and her favorite hands down is Katrina, Cee Lo picks Katrina as well, he loves her song choice. Adam decides to save Katrina.

Team Cee Lo is next, Tony sings “Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This”, Cheesa “All By Myself” and Erin Martin sings “Your Song”. Adam is a little pissed off, he wants to know why it took all three of these singer so long to sing so well, he would save Cheesa. Blake agrees with Adam, Cheesa knocked it out of the park so he picks her. Christina thought there song choices were interesting, she chooses Cheesa as well. Cee Lo has a tough choice ahead of him tonight, he picks Cheesa.


Tony Lucca
Katrina Parker


Juliet Simms
Jamar Rogers
James Massone


Karla Davis
Kim Yarbrough
Tony Vincent
Erin Martin

Robyn Good:
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