If you think you’re Justin Bieber’s dream girl, or the perfect humanitarian guy for Selena Gomez, head to the app store now! Instead of stalking celebs like a crazy obsessed fan, there’s an easier way to fall in love! A new app called Tinder has hit the market, and it’s being advertised as “the intelligent solution to today’s dating woes.” How so, you ask. The Tinder app uses Facebook check-ins, likes, and friend relationships to connect you with locals through mutual social activities.
Say you and Rob Kardashian post pictures eating at the same restaurant. Tinder uses that data to suggest a love match! Because the data needed would be really time consuming to fake, it’s really hard to cheat the system. There are no lies about your athletic life, personal hobbies, and interests—Tinder knows all about you without asking any questions. The app “finds out who likes you nearby and connects you with them if you are interested, eliminating the guesswork, tedious selection process, and even the rejection associated with dating.”
The best part? The app is totally anonymous. Tinder will set you up with a first name, picture, and the number of mutual friends and mutual hobbies you have based on the data they collect. You can either “like” or “pass” on a person, but will receive no additional information about them until they like you back. Otherwise they disappear into the cybersphere!
We know it’s hard for celebs to find true love—look at all the ones who had to date outside of Hollywood to find it!—so this app is the perfect solution! They can meet up with people with lots of shared interests and see how it goes, no strings attached, no unnecessary risks. Would you use the dating app, or do you prefer to hang out around their favorite hotspots and casually accidentally-on-purpose bump into them?
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