Tony Lucca The Voice ‘How You Like Me Now’ Performance Video 4/30/12

Tony Lucca sang “How You Like Me Now”  by The Heavy on tonight as The Voice ‘Semifinals.’   On tonight’s show the top eight finalists on Season 2 of The Voice are ready to sing for their lives and compete for your votes.  The eight Semifinalists will each perform one song in addition to a group performance.

The Finalists will be revealed on THE VOICE Elimination Show, Tuesday, May 1 (9-10 p.m., ET) as only one artist per team will advance to represent their coach in the Finals, narrowing the field down to four.  We recapped  tonight’s show for you and if you want to see how all the singers did tonight you can go HERE, to read our full and detailed recap.

Judges comments:  Blake: “I actually don’t know that song, but I’m kind of glad I don’t. That’s probably the version I would like.”  Christina: “That was definitely a little more “slickly” done … If this doesn’t work out, you and Adam can start a Britney cover band.”  Cee Lo: “I became a fan of yours tonight.” Adam: “This was the perfect thing at the perfect moment, dude. You killed it!”

You can vote for Tony Lucca by calling 1-855-VOICE-01

Want to vote for your favorite on The Voice tonight?  There are lots of easy options this season to vote for your favorites. Here’s all the different ways you can cast your vote starting tonight: Call the number on the screen; Text from your Sprint phone; download an artist’s performance on iTunes; vote online at NBC.com or vote online at Facebook.  You can vote up to 10 times via each method so that’s up to 50 votes each week!

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think that Tony did enough to keep him around for another week? Sound out in the comments below!

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Kinsley Goldman:
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