‘True Blood’ Season 5 Episode 6 “Hopeless” Sneak Peek Video & Spoilers

Tonight was the fifth episode of season 5 of True Blood and we got to see a lot of action. Someone is killing the supernaturals this week, we still do not know who. I hope we find out next week. We also saw our first appearance of Russell and he was as fabulous as usual. We have a sneak peek video and some spoilers to sink your fangs into for next week’s episode 6 “Hopeless.”

On tonight’s episode Bill and Eric enlisted Sookie to probe for clues on Russell’s hiding place.  Sookie read Doug, Alcide’s employee’s mind and found out it was a women who released Russell.  Bill and Eric recognized the necklace Sookie tells the boys the women was wearing and realize it is a member of the Vampire Authority.  Another traitor?  Or was it Eric’s sister Nora?

Patrick Devins and Terry were held hostage in a bunker belonging to their Iraq War buddy Brian Eller.  We learned all about the fire monster who has been killing their war buddies.  At least Terry and Elder think it is a fire monster. Jason wakes to a disturbing dream about his parents – he saw them sitting a the breakfast table bleeding from vampire wounds on their necks.  Sam visits Luna with the news that fellow shifters Susan and Emory were killed.  As Sam leaves her house someone shoots him and then Luna.  Someone is killing Supernaturals.  Another fantastic episode and if you missed the episode you can read our full and detailed recap here.

Official HBO synopsis of next week’s episode: The aftermath at the asylum has Sookie filled with dread. The Authority retrieve Bill and Eric. Pam gets involved when Tara’s actions lead to a fight. After receiving an alarming message from Jesus, Ruby Jean gets a visit from Lafayette. Terry thinks a curse is to blame for his predicament. Sam lends Andy a hand with an investigation. Alcide faces up to J.D. Roman reveals his plans for Russell.

Sookie has a sense of foreboding; Lafayette visits Ruby Jean; Terry blames a curse for his troubles; Alcide challenges J.D.; Sam offers to help Andy; Roman reveals his plans for Russell.

Next week’s preview opens where we left off tonight.  We see Alcide being dragged away and Sookie screaming for him.  The camera pans in on Russell’s face and he is smiling evilly.  It looks like Russell has had little help, maybe werewolves?  In the next scene we see Russell and he is standing and he is hovering over Sookie and he tells her ‘You’re just what the doctor ordered my tree fairy’ and he grabs for her.  The he says ‘Vixen’ and the fangs come out!  Yikes!!

Meanwhile it seems that Jessica has saved Hoyt from Tara’s clutches and they are in Fangtasia at a booth together.  Hoyt tells Jessica he knows she still cares for him.  Jessica gets up and goes for him and he tells her, “You want to glamour me or hypnotize me and make me do something so deprived.”

Tara and Jessica get into a knock down, drag out fight and I am betting it is about Hoyt.  Pam breaks up the fight at Fangtasia. Pam tells Tara she did good out there fighting Jessica and she is proud of her.  Then of course in Pam fashion she says, “Proud like a human is proud of a well trained dog.”  You gotta love Pam!

There is tons more in the preview, it is a long one this week, but I will let you watch it.  I don’t want to give away anymore surprises.  Did you love tonight’s episode let us know in the comments.   Are you glad to see Russell back?  I am!

“Hopeless” on HBO on July 15th, 2012.   Check out the preview video and some pics above of episode 6 and let us know in the comments below what you think!

Robyn Good:
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