TWO Kanye West Sex Tapes Being Shopped!

Two Kanye West Sex Tapes Being Shopped!  0924

Right now making sex tapes is Kanye West’s business and business is good. TMZ reports the crotchity rapper has two sex tapes that are currently being shopped to the highest bidder. CDL already reported last week that a 20-minute video of Kanye and a Kim Kardashian look-alike was making the rounds and now a move twice as long has joined it in all the fun!

TMZ writes: “Both tapes are impressively long — the first is roughly twenty minutes … and the second is more than FORTY. And we’re talking constant action. Seriously, the guy takes no breaks. It’s incredible. Almost Sting-like. We’re told the tapes were both shot several years ago with exes.  The tapes are currently being shopped to media outlets by a third party. Sources close to Kanye tell us the rapper has no idea how the videos were lifted from his computer — but if anyone releases the footage … we’re told Kanye plans to go after the culprits with a legal vengeance.”

How does a sex tape just get stolen from a computer? I’ll never understand how celebrities can be so careless with sex tapes! Are you surprised Kanye is so mad about them coming out? I definitively am. I figured he’d just shrug and tell everyone “That’s how I roll” especially given the length of his… exertions. But maybe Kim’s leaning on him to clean this up quickly. She’s been trying desperately to separate herself from her sex tape past so this doesn’t help. And TMZ says the girls in the videos are ex-girlfriends but we heard it actually could be Kim in the first video. Is that why Kanye is so eager to sweep all this under the rug?

I doubt it’s her because of the timeline of events but crazier things have happened! Why do you think the Kanye West sex tapes are coming out now? Could Kanye have  released them since he has a new album out that’s not getting the best reviews? Is he trying to keep his options open if this whole music thing doesn’t pan out? But really, does anyone care about a Kanye West sex tape if it doesn’t involve Kim Kardashian?

Photo Credit: Zeus/Apollo/FAMEFLYNET