Vanity Fair Prints Uncensored Topless Kate Middleton Photos (Photos)


The popular magazine Vanity Fair has been put under the magnifying lens after deciding to print uncensored pictures of Kate Middleton topless on their cover. They were taken a week ago while she and husband Prince William were on holiday in France. The image shows a woman holding the magazine open. The front cover of Closer magazine is a set of small images of Kate topless with lots more uncensored stuff inside. Instead of blurring out the images like most reports have been, they decided to leave Kate Middleton’s boobs exposed.  Prince William is adding VF to his hit list…

The article was called “Duchess Kate’s Brave Face Amid Those Photos of William Buttering Her Bum With Sunscreen,” which is not in the least flattering. Perhaps in a bizarre way to make amends for the title, the author writes, The photos, which are reportedly grainy and clearly taken at long range, were first offered to the British press, but they would not print them.” This statement doesn’t make sense, as the photos are easily available online, and are even included in the article. Readers and the author don’t need a third-hand account of the photo quality, because it is right there on the screen. Perhaps the author was unaware of the plan to include them uncensored?

In any case, this is a craven and desperate departure from their previously healthy relationship with the Royal family. Vanity Fair WAS a Vogue-level celebrity news publication, and has never before sunk to such measures. A rep from Vanity Fair hasn’t returned calls, but chances are they will defend the image, possibly trying to defend the printing of the photos as third tier, as they’ve just printed a picture of the other magazine, and not their own spread.

No matter what they say, don’t open their magazine in hopes for an interview with Kate any time soon. They’ve asked her before and the Queen has put her foot down. Is this revenge on Vanity Fair’s part?  We expect this sort of journalism from a low-level tabloid.  After this image-bashing move, all bets are off and their relationship is right side up, full stop.  And note that it is Vanity Fair’s image that is bashed here, not Kate’s.  She had no say in all of this.