The story of “Cinderella” has made Disney magic for decades, quickly rising to one of the most popular Princess tales of all time. One of the key ingredients to the movies magic is the famed glass slipper Cinderella left behind, which identifies her to Prince Charming for a happily ever after. Now Walt Disney Studios invited famed Red-Sole Designer Christian Louboutin to create the famed glass slipper and place his own magic twists on the shoe.
This announcement precedes Louboutin’s 20th Anniversary retrospective exhibition at the London Design Museum and the global release of Disney’s animated classic masterpiece “Cinderella” Diamond Edition on Blu-ray coming to market this fall.
Disney chose Louboutin for his gorgeous style and eye for fashion and glamour which helped him turn his dreams to reality and help women all over the world over feel like princesses. The actual details will be shared with the public in July.
For more information go HERE!
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