Wedding Canceled: Anderson Cooper’s Boyfriend Ben Maisani Caught Cheating!

What is this? Huh? Is this the year for awkward cheating in La-La Land? We reported right here on Celeb Dirty Laundry that Anderson Cooper was getting married to his partner, Ben Maisani, but now it seems that the planned wedding might be a thing of the past, because naughty Ben was caught kissing a man in Grand Central Park, NYC.

Anderson Cooper, the silver-haired CNN prodigy, has been living with Maisani for a while. Cooper opened up about his sexuality in a recent “declaration” and the blogosphere was abuzz with his statement. Maisani’s website went semi-viral. His own website, yes, because being in a relationship with Anderson Cooper makes for celeb status and awkward Village People poses.

The Daily Mail posted images of Maisani kissing an “unidentified” brunette in NYC and quicker than Kristen Stewart at a Unfaithful Anonymous meeting, the internet exploded in a flurry of rampant rumours and finger pointing. We bet Cooper is crying in the sun while Robert Pattinson pats him on the back and says, “Do not worry mate, things will be bloody well fine again!” Maisani and Cooper were planning to get married as soon as Labor Day, in a lavish New York wedding ceremony.

The cake is spoiled, the tuxedos are torn and Maisani’s website is as scary as ever. This is like an episode of CSI, mixed with the horror of cheating and tears. Our imagination is overflowing with high definition CGI images of the camera entering Cooper’s chest and his heart cracking open like a chocolate biscuit at a fat camp. The evidence has been presented in high-tech media labs and the U.B.O (Unidentified Brunette Object) has been plastered over the walls of gossip blogs like a Loch Ness sighting.

Our hearts are popping open in festive sadness for Cooper. The poor man finally achieved a career pinnacle with his own show and handled his coming-out in a classy and subdued way. Unfortunately, once everything falls into place, a brunette in a park usually urinates on one’s little corner of sunshine.

Let us know in the comments below what you think of this cheating scandal. Is this as bad as Kristen Stewart?

Renier Palland:
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