Why Teen Mom’s Amber Portwood Was Evicted From Her Home

Amber Portwood is a class act. We now know why the star of Teen Mom was evicted from her Indiana home late last year. According to TMZ she was scamming the Government. Yep – trying to pull one over Uncle Sam. So you can now add welfare cheat to her distinguished list of achievements. As I said – she’s all class!

It’s alleged Miss Portwood was fudging the figures. According to her lease agreement the house she was renting had been subsidized by the state’s ‘Low Income Rental Housing Tax Credit Program’. But was she eligible for that? Um…NO! She led the Authorities to believe she was earning about  $10,000 a year …in reality you can multiply that quite a few times. 28 in fact. The infamous reality TV star pocketed more like $280,000 in 2010. She probably can’t do the math but that’s a fair difference!

So when she was busted being less than honest in December she got the heave ho. But Amber isn’t out on the street. She has a roof over her head and food on the table in jail. Amber was locked up for alleged probation violations including failing to submit a drug test as well as failing to complete her anger management classes. And don’t forget failing to deposit money into an education fund for her young daughter. She’s still behind bars waiting for the green light to enter a court appointed drug rehab program.

She’s certainly has an eventful 21 years and 2012 is shaping up to be no different. Amber can’t seem to get her life together.

Melanie Usher:
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