GLOBE Helps Secures Victory for Soap Fans: All My Children and One Life To Live Return!

GLOBE Helps Secures Victory for Soap Fans: All My Children and One Life To Live Return!GLOBE Helps Secures Victory for Soap Fans: All My Children and One Life To Live Return!

Soap Opera fans are a loyal die hard bunch and so just because ABC decided in April 2011 to axe both All My Children and One Life to Live, that didn’t mean that these shows would soon be forgotten. Both were broadcast for more than forty years  and took young actresses such as Susan Lucci and Erika Slezak and made them into daytime television legends. When AMC left the airwaves in September. 2011 and OLTL departed in January 2012 the fans were extremely vocal. As a whole they hate to see any daytime series bite the dust because there is comfort in inviting the same characters into your home each day and for the actors, working daily is an incredible gift.

The GLOBE decided to listen to the fans and has spent the last year and a half covering the plight to bring these shows back to life one way or another. Finally an LA-based production company called Prospect Park has sealed the deal and both of these shows will begin production once again in February.  AMC and OLTL will both run as 30 minute internet shows four days a week, with Friday being a day for viewers to catch up on what is brewing with their favorites. All of the details aren’t set in stone yet and according to the January 28th print edition of GLOBE it’s not clear if fans will have to pay to watch or if the series’ will be free for all to enjoy.

What is clear is that the powers-that-be are working hard to lure longtime fan favorites back to the roles that the fans love. Both Erika Slezak and Robin Strasser are heading back to OLTL, with Robert S. Woods hot on their heels. As for AMC, Vincent Irizarry, Debi Morgan and Lindsay Hartley are all inked to reprise their roles. The biggest question for AMC fans is whether or not Susan Lucci will return as Erica Kane. What we can tell you is that conversations are underway so if you’re a La Lucci fan then cross your fingers.

One soap activist said it best, “Soaps today! Soaps tomorrow! Soaps forever! Nothing less!” it looks like Prospect Park agrees!  Are you a fan of AMC or OLTL? Will you tune in to the reboot of these shows? Who would you like to see reprise their roles? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

GLOBE Helps Secures Victory for Soap Fans: All My Children and One Life To Live Return!GLOBE Helps Secures Victory for Soap Fans: All My Children and One Life To Live Return!

Cate Meighan:
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