Amanda Bynes Hits Rock Bottom – Destroyed By Fame (Photo)

Amanda Bynes Hits Rock Bottom - Destroyed By Fame (Photo)

Amanda Bynes and her fallen star is featured on the cover of the latest issue of In Touch Weekly. By her crazy Twitter messages, photos and threats of legal action against the tabloids, we already know that she is falling down hard. Still, she claims that she is not a drug or alcohol user and that she is just fine.

She has been showing off her new look on Twitter and is stepping away from her old “girl next door” appearance for something more risque. According to the tabloid, Amanda has been basically living in a dump, doing drugs and allegedly dressing like a hooker.

The magazine talks of her drug-fueled house party:

Photos taken inside her apartment during a long night of partying reveal her disheveled living conditions, and Amanda herself atop a bare mattress, smoking a joint and obsessively refreshing her phone’s Twitter feed. She is also pictured applying her makeup and dancing (much like her infamous “getting-ready” Twitter video that went viral), with a strange man “dancing behind her, and smoking weed with her,” says “Joe” to In Touch, a photographer who was inside Amanda’s apartment that night, who doesn’t want his real name used.

Photographer Giovanni Arnold said, “She probably gets so high that sometimes she won’t even leave her house. One minute she’s cool and down-to-earth. The next, she’s totally different – indecisive, and she can’t hold a conversation. Mentally, she’s all over the place.”

Of the rager she had at her NYC apartment, Giovanni said, “Weed was everywhere. On the bed, all over the floor”, adding that she did cocaine while he was there. She denied it, however, saying, “They’re the ones into drugs, so they bring drugs, but I don’t do them.”

“Joe” said, “Her living room is basically empty. Her dress was right and sheer and you could see her bra – she seemed to like that.”

After partying it up until the wee hours of the morning, Amanda kicked everyone out at 5AM. Does she think that no one is going to believe this mess as long as she keeps denying it? What do you think?

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