Big Brother 15 Amanda Zuckerman Falsey Accused – Tells Fan Off On Twitter

Big Brother 15 has declared their winner, Andy Herren, and the show is over for yet another season and most of the contestants have gone back to their normal lives.

In Amanda’s own words on the live feeds, in the Big Brother house, she admitted that she was pregnant and had a boyfriend, but miscarried shortly before coming into the house. In fact, in her cast video Amanda herself said she was “not single”. Yet, within days of being in the house Amanda hooked up with pizza boy McCrae Olson. Now that she is outside the house, she is still with McCrae and applying for other realty TV shows, rather than go back to her boyfriend who must be devastated because of the miscarriage.

And now, Amanda gets into a twitter conversation with LuAnn de Lesnobs and tells her that she used to date Eric Sanchez; she says he is super sweet, a hottie and turns her to jelly. LuAnn then asked Amanda if she thought her tweets about her ex being so hot were disrespectful to McCrae. Well, Amanda was certainly not known for her subtlety inside the Big Brother house and that has not changed outside; here is Amanda’s response, “@CuntessLuAnn go ahead. I’m sitting next to him, he knows everything I say. And you should text god and ask him to give you a life.”

Leave it Amanda to come back sharply at her detractors – although I doubt God has a cell phone.

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