Amanda Zuckerman Family’s DEATH THREATS: Police and FBI Called In Allegedly – Revenge For Racist and Homophobic Slurs?

Amanda Zuckerman Family's DEATH THREATS: Police and FBI Called In - Revenge For Racist and Homophobic Slurs

This year there is only one contestant that everyone is talking about in the Big Brother house and that is Amanda Zuckerman. Her ranting, bullying, racial and homophobic slurs have no bounds. Today, Amanda blamed her recent outburst and bullying fellow house guest Elissa for an entire day to the point that Elissa locked herself in the HoH room, to having forgotten to take her meds. What does she blame all the other days on?

The live feeds are what tell the true story, not what we see airing on CBS. Cleverly, the production staff have not shown the “real” Amanda on air but all the fans watching the live feeds have been posting stories and video proof of exactly what Amanda is doing in the house.

Recently, Amanda’s employer, Prudential Florida (Watermark Realty Inc) even disassociated themselves with her by removing her off their website and listing her as “inactive”.

Today, the FBI was called in to investigate Amanda’s family getting death threats. This was publicized by Miss Cleo as you can see in the tweet below. It is unbelievable that people would attack her family, yet just as unbelievable as some of the hateful and hurtful things that she says to the other house guests, both are wrong. Amanda even just recently threatened to kill Elissa in her sleep!

Amanda Zuckerman Family's DEATH THREATS: Police and FBI Called In - Revenge For Racist and Homophobic Slurs

CBS and Big Brother should just remove Amanda from the house for the safety of all the other house guests and her family back home. When is enough, enough? Or, is money more important than people’s real lives?