Amber Heard Demands Johnny Depp Turn Her Into The Next Angelina Jolie, Or She Dumps Him

Amber Heard Demands Johnny Depp Turn Her Into The Next Angelina Jolie, Or Else!Amber Heard Demands Johnny Depp Turn Her Into The Next Angelina Jolie, Or Else!

Is Johnny Depp reneging on his promise to help girlfriend Amber Heardbecome the next Angelina Jolie? According to the latest report from the National Enquirer, that’s exactly what’s happening and it’s apparently making Amber quite upset.

A ‘source’ tells the Enquirer, “When they first started dating, he promised to help her become the next Angelina Jolie, but Johnny simply hasn’t followed through. Instead of finding exciting projects for Amber, or introducing her to TinselTown movers and shakers, he seems to block her from moving forward in her career. Apparently, she was offered the lead in the film version of the raunchy book 50 Shades of Grey,” but Johnny told her to say no to it because it would be too smutty.”

The source adds that Amber is pretty upset right now, but “[Johnny] promised Amber he’ll make things more exciting for her, and he’s still dangling the carrot of introducing her to agents and other key players. Amber’s sticking around, hoping Johnny will be true to his word. But she’s not going to wait much longer.”

I would not be surprised AT ALL if this story turned out to be true. I always thought Amber was using Johnny Depp for a career boost, even if she won’t admit it publicly, and I can see her getting upset that it hasn’t seemed to have helped her career at all. Sure, she’s getting bigger trailers and is getting more media exposure, but where are the roles? She hasn’t landed a single high profile role since she began dating Johnny Depp, but then again, it’s not like he can teach her how to be a better actress, you know?

To be fair, Amber’s not untalented. She can act, and if given the right role, I’m sure she can break out and carve a niche for herself. But Johnny’s too busy recording with One Direction right now to pay attention to his girlfriend’s career.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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