Amber Riley Dancing With the Stars Samba Video 10/21/13

Amber Riley danced a Samba, on tonight’s episode 6 of Dancing with the Stars for her dance style she had not yet done. Check out Amber’s DWTS bio [CLICK HERE] If you missed tonight’s show you can read a full and detailed recap, right here.

The competition continues as each couple will compete in an individual dance style they have not yet done as well as take part in the first ever “Switch-Up Challenge.” In this fresh take on a dance marathon, couples will compete side by side, in two rounds, with no prior knowledge of dance style or musical accompaniment. One by one, the judges will select couples to be tapped-off/removed from the dance floor. Extra judges’ points will be awarded to couples based on longevity.

On last week’s show Amber was given a 26/30 for her Foxtrot routine.  Carrie Anne said this about her performance,  “You danced the heck out of that routine, you hit all the routines like it’s nothing, you guys are always in perfect sync.”  If you missed any of last week’s performances, you can check out all the videos, right HERE.

Amber Riley and professional dancer Derek Hough: dancing a Foxtrot.  Amber tweeted this about her dance tonight, “So nervous about this dance tomorrow! i hope that i can sleep”

Judges commentsBruno “Apart from your performance value, I counted and you did everything perfect.” Carrie Ann “I loved the dance, every time I watch you I think fierce. What you did was awesome, every move drove me insane, it was a turn on.” LenIt was a fantastic routine but I found it a tad repetitive. This girl is a fantastic dancer.”

SCORES: Carrie Ann 10, Len 8, Bruno 10 TOTAL: 28 – Vote for Amber Riley and professional dancer Derek Hough at Voting #: 1-800-868-3407.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think Amber did enough to avoid elimination next week? Sound out in the comments below!

Heather DiPietro:
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