American Idol RECAP 01/31/13: Season 12 Episode 6 “Auditions #6”

American Idol RECAP 01/31/13: Season 12 Episode 6 “Auditions #6”American Idol RECAP 01/31/13: Season 12 Episode 6 “Auditions #6”

We are in the third week of the audition process on AMERICAN IDOL and tonight we are headed to Oklahoma City the home of Carrie Underwood as the audition madness continues. Our judges, Mariah Carey, Nikki Minaj, Keith Urban and Randy Jackson head to Oklahoma City in hopes of finding the next American Idol. Did you watch last night’s auditions in Long Beach? We did and we recapped it here for you!

On last night’s show the auditions continued to Long Beach, Calif with the auditions being held aboard the Queen Mary, which was docked in Long Beach.  The Long Beach set had its fill of special, expressive moments one of my favorites was when 16-year-old junior at Carondelet High School Briana Oakley took the stage.  For her song she sang, “Up to the Mountain.” and she wowed the judges and she wowed us too.

On tonight’s show the auditions continue in Oklahoma City and tonight is the final audition night and then we are on to Hollywood week.  Tonight we will see more people who have earned one of the 40 convened yellow tickets to Hollywood. Will they find the next American Idol tonight? Tune in with us to find out!

Stay tuned to Celeb Dirty Laundry for a full live recap of tonight’s episode. We will keep you up to date on all American Idol news, reviews and spoilers and make sure to check back here regularly for more information on your favorite television shows! So don’t forget to come back to this spot at 8:00 PM for our live recap of American Idol to see the “Auditions #6″ – recap at 8:00 PM EST!

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Tonight is the last audition before Hollywood and we are in Oklahoma City.  Ryan reminds the auditioners that Carrie Underwood is from Oklahoma City.  Tonight the auditions are coming from The Devon Boathouse.

Karl Skinner from MO and he is 26 years old and he says he auditioned because the bus came right through his town.  All he wants to do is impress the judges.  He is going to prove Gingers have soul.  Keith wants to know what he want to be as an artist and Karl tells him uncomparable.  Keith tells him he already is.  Karl is a real character!  Randy thinks he could be a good Ryan Seacrest.  All the judges vote YES and he is going to Hollywood.

We take a break to see a few really awful auditions.  One is worst than the last.  I could skip these!

Nate Tao from Virginia, a sign language teacher.  Both Nate’s parents are deaf.  He is singing, “For Once In My Life,” by Stevie Wonder.   Mariah enjoyed it, Stevie is her favorite artist and she liked his rendition.  Nikki likes his charisma.  Randy likes him too he is really unassuming and a nice voice. Keith liked him.  All the judges vote YES and he is going to Hollywood.

Next is a puppet called Oscar a talking dog and he is here today with Halie Hilburn and she is 17 years old.  She is a ventriloquist. She is singing and Oscar accompanies her.  The judges think it is wild but they ask her to sing again without the puppet.  Keith thinks Oscar is holding her back.  Keith thinks she can sing.  Mariah thinks she has to sever her ties with Oscar but she has a beautiful voice.  Nikki likes her.  The judges vote, Keith, Mariah and Nikki YES and Randy no.  So she is going to Hollywood.

Zoanette Johnson from Oklahoma is next singing the National Anthem.  She is horrible.  But Nikki loves her and thinks her voice is out of this world.  Not sure what they were listening too.  She tells the judges to hurray up she has a lunch date.  All the judges vote YES, I don’t get it but she is going to Hollywood.

Anastasia Freeman – she has really high heels on and the judges tell her she can take her shoes off.  She tells the judges she is the next American Idol and she is going to sing, “Unbreak Your Heart,” by Toni Braxton.  Randy wants to know if someone told her to audition.  Anastasia tells them that God told her to come.  All the judges vote and it is a NO!

Kayden Stephenson is 16 and has been singing since he was 4 years old.  Kayden has Cystic Fibrosis and his life expectancy is only 35 years old.  American Idol has always been his dream.   Nikki loves his voice she reminds him of a baby Michael Jackson.  Nikki is inspired by him.  Mariah is beyond inspired.  Randy loves him.  Mariah thinks girls will fall on the floor when he walks in.  They all vote and it is a big YES!!

44 other earned the covenant golden ticket and they are all heading to Hollywood.  Wait there is one more audition his/her name is Pepper and the judges realize it is Steven Tyler dressed like a lady.  HE just wanted to come by and say hello.

Next week the best singers in the country will hit the stage to fight for one of the top 40 places.

Join us next week for Hollywood Week.



Annemarie LeBlanc:
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