American Idol Season 12 Episode 1 “Auditions #1” Recap 01/16/13

American Idol Season 12 Episode 1 Recap 01/16/13American Idol Season 12 Episode 1 Recap 01/16/13

Finally, AMERICAN IDOL returns tonight for its 12 season premiere and we will be there watching all the action!   This season we have new judges Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj and Keith UrbanRandy Jackson is returning to the judges desk and Ryan Seacrest will be hosting.

Tonight will begin the two part season premiere of American Idol where tens of thousands of hopefuls from across the nation audition for a shot at stardom.   The judges will be traveling across the country in search of the next American Idol.  This season the audition cities will be: Baton Rouge, LA – Charlotte, NC – Chicago, IL – Los Angeles, CA – Newark, NJ – Oklahoma City, OK – San Antonio, TX.

The judges have their say after every performance, but it’s the viewing public that determines who will advance to become a finalist and who will go home. Telephone, text message and online voting begin immediately after each live performance show, and the results are announced during the following night’s live broadcast.

The winner of this seasons American Idol will get a major recording contract with 19 Recordings and the AMERICAN IDOL title.  This season Ford Motor company, Coca-Cola and At &T return as official sponsors of the 12th season of American Idol.

Rumor has it American Idol’s 12th season will be unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed.  Celeb Dirty Laundry did some investigation to find out what the new season holds in terms of format changes, judging feuds, and production revamps.  Head over here to find out about all the changes.

Stay tuned to Celeb Dirty Laundry for a full live recap of tonight’s episode. We will keep you up to date on all American Idol news, reviews and spoilers and make sure to check back here regularly for more information on your favorite television shows! So don’t forget to come back to this spot at 8:00 PM for our live recap of American Idol to see the “Auditions #1” – recap at 8:00 PM EST!  While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s premiere below!

Recap: America Idol is back and we first get treated to a solo of last years winner, Phillip Phillips whose album has gone triple platinum. Then more past winners to get us ready for a new era beginning this year. There are new judges and returning ones. First up is Randy Jackson taking his place as resident dawg. Then country superstar Keith Urban , Nicki Minaj bringing a little style and Mariah Carey with her fiber optic range; they are all your new judges and season twelve starts right now.

The first contestant and his name is Mike and not knowing what to do he does a rendition of “We Will Rock You” and a bunch of other goofy stuff – he gets a no and he’s out.

The next contestant is Teena Torres singing “You’ve Got A Friend” and she is a huge fan of Mariah’s and even went to camp that she had years ago. Mariah loved it and she gets a yes, Keith is a yes, Nicki is a yes and so is Randy. Teena is going to Hollywood.

As the morning continued, New York delivered with some more awesome performances.

James Bae is from Long Island New York and he wants to be a superstar like Justin Bieber and decides to sing one of his songs, “One Less Lonely Girl”. Everyone on the panel likes him because he is sweet, but he can’t sing and when Nicki asks him if he has a girlfriend, he tells her that he is single, wink, wink. Randy says right out that he doesn’t have the vocals and everyone gives him a no. Nicki feels bad and tells him that he is special and everyone shakes his hand, Mariah suggest that he look into being a DJ.

Christina is from Boston but lives in New York and lost fifty pounds for college. OMG, what a great performance. Nicki thinks she is going to go really far in the competition, she is blown away. Keith sings she is a natural singer. Mariah thinks she did a beautiful job, a great choice. Randy just thinks she needs to build up her confidence. It’s a unanimous four votes, she is going to Hollywood.

Evan Ruggeiro is a dancer and has already been cast in a musical but at 19 he was diagnosed with cancer and as a result his leg amputated. He sings “Wanted Dead Or Alive” and plays the guitar. Mariah is not sure he has found his style. Nicki thinks he will inspire people that anything is possible, but doesn’t think he is strong enough for this competition. All the judges say no and think he needs to find his niche.

This season viewers had a chance to nominate someone to be on the show; Jessica Kartalis’ grandmother nominates her and she makes it to the audition process. Jessica picks up her guitar and gives the judges a little originality. Nicki does’t think she is ready yet and to that Jessica asks to sing a more upbeat song. Randy and Mariah also agree, that she is not ready yet. Keith liked her purity and although he is close to a yes, he says no and so do the other judges.

Sheira  Gavrielov is from Israel and when she was 13 she had a CD out and it was number one in that country. Nicki is excited after hearing her sing, she gets four yes votes and is on her way to conquering America.

It’s time for the last contestant of the day, his name is Frankie Ford and from Brooklyn, NY.  He sings on the train to make money and has every intention of out working everyone auditioning.  The judges liked him, even though he messed up at first. Mariah loves his inner glow and Nicki doesn’t think he has the best voice, but all the judges are putting him through.

Benjamin Gaisey is dressed in a cheap replica of Michael Jackson’s red leather Thriller outfit singing his own rendition of “I’ll Make Love To You”.  Benjamin is wearing a wig and Randy just can’t get over it. Mariah doesn’t want to squash his dream, but tells him straight up that he is over the top. Nicki tells him that this is not for him and Randy just flat out tells him that his voice is terrible.

Rozanna Shindelham gives her parent’s chills when she sings but it’s not the same the reaction from the judges. Randy doesn’t mince words, he tells she is bad and she gets the message, she leaves.

Sarah Restuccio thinks she can be the next American Idol; she lives on a blueberry farm and sings Carrie Underwood’s “Mama”. Nicki likes her tone, Mariah really enjoyed it but Randy wants to hear another one. Sarah raps one of Nicki’s songs “Super Base” and blows the judges away. Sarah moves forward and is so happy that she is crying.

Albert Chang is a receptionist at a doctor’s office and is from Queens. He is going to sing “Phantom Of The Opera”. The judges tell him like it is, he was terrible.

Angela Miller has had hearing problems her whole life but has no problem belting it out. Mariah loved her tone, Randy thinks she was one of the best of the day; she gets four votes.

Brett Holt loves American Idol and he’s singing “When I Fall In Love”. Brett is a huge Idol fan and when tests him on some trivia he fails miserably. The judges all give him a no, he’s not going to Hollywood, the trivia wiz kid is going home.

The “Turbinator” is next, his real name is Gurpreet Singh Sarin but he got his nickname because he owns about 40 different colors of turbans. Nicki loves his look but doesn’t think he has a stand out voice. Keith thinks his voice is too light. Mariah gives him a yes and so does Randy, Keith is a no – his fate lies in the hands of Nicki and she says yes.

Ashlee’s family has adopted four medically complex children through the foster care program and she is ready to show the judges what she’s got. The judges lover her and Randy wants to meet the whole family and gives them all the news, she is going to Hollywood.

A total of forty one contestants secured their place in Hollywood tonight. Tomorrow night Idol invades the mid-west.

The end!

Dorothy Gale:
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