Hollywood will always have itself a string of celebs that just can’t seem to stay clear of drugs and alcohol and Andy Dick is definitely one of them. The 47-year old Newsradio star can get clean and sober but maintaining it seems to be his downfall. When his three month relationship with Jennifer Gimenez imploded earlier this summer it toppled Andy right off the wagon and sources close to him say that he has been spiraling out of control ever since.
According to the Aug. 26th print edition of GLOBE magazine those close to Andy actually got him through the front door of a rehab facility recently but he all but beat them back home. Once he was left alone he informed the staff that he wasn’t staying. Since the treatment was voluntary no one could make him stay.
In July a video popped up of Andy drunkenly urinating on a public street in Santa Monica and then there were accusations of him terrorizing a woman in the Hamptons. When she blew off Andy’s advances he reportedly grabbed and kissed the woman’s’ husband instead! It’s become very apparent that Andy is a total mess and his friends fear that this time around he’s not going to stop before it’s too late.
If you saw the actor on Celebrity Wife Swap then you saw that he actually has a wife and family to come home to. He has one biological child but two other daughters are kind of adopted as well which means Andy has the opportunity to lead a stable life surrounded by people that love him, but he chooses the drugs and alcohol instead. Do you think they can convince him to want better for himself and to clean up his act yet again, or is this downward spiral going to be his last? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!