Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Separate After Sexy Brunette Cheating Confession?

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are forever in the midst of tabloid controversies, and Star Magazine grants us yet another one. According to the latest cover issue of Star, Brad Pitt apparently ‘made a mistake‘ with a ‘sexy brunette‘, which has apparently led to their ‘worst fight ever’.

The caption under the report reads, “After Brad begs for forgiveness, devastated Angie gives him a shocking ultimatum.” And of course, where would be without rumors of Brad and Angelina splitting up because of this ‘shocking ultimatum’.

Come on Star, you can do better. Brad is constantly linked to ‘sexy brunettes’, how about we link him to a blonde for once? It’s not like he hasn’t dated blondes in the past, as evidenced by Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow. Obviously, the tabloids would loveeee to make it seem like Brad’s fallen in love with Angelina 2.0, which is why they’re always on the hunt for stories linking him to anyone who even remotely resembles Angelina.

Again and again, I’ve been saying – Angelina and Brad are not going to split up. It’s just not going to happen. They’re not going to cheat on each other, and they’re not going to break up. It’s been ten years since they first got together, they have a billion children together, and they’ve both become the do-gooders to end all the other do-gooders. And, they’re getting old. They’re too intertwined at this point, with their professional and private lives, to ever split up. And believe it or not, but they are genuinely head over heels in love with each other. So come on Star, up your game and come up with better stories.

What do you guys think of this report? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Siyana Riley:
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