Anne Hathaway’s Hatha-Haters Ruining Her Life, Driving Her To Seek Help And Find Harmony

Anne Hathaway's Hatha-Haters Ruining Her Life, Driving Her To Seek Help And Find Harmony 0402Anne Hathaway's Hatha-Haters Ruining Her Life, Driving Her To Seek Help And Find Harmony 0402

Initially this post was going to be some kind of Anne Hathaway pregnancy post. We all know she’s been trying so I shuffled through the photo files to see if I could come up with any baby bumps. I couldn’t. What I did find is that Anne is freakin’ miserable lately. Jesus Christ, pic after pic is sad as all hell. I know she’s had it rough since the Oscars and been keeping a low profile but my heart is bleeding for her at this point. And then, as if destined, I turned to the Daily Mail this morning and they had more down in the dump photos of the actress carrying around a bunch of self help books in NYC yesterday. My God, Anne Hathaway. Buck the f-ck up!

According to the newspaper, the range of books Anne carried had a theme of how to “achieve equilibrium amidst change.” From cookbooks to fiction to self help each of the books focused on finding some sort of harmony and balance in life. Ugh. Fine. Very Gwyneth Paltrow but I won’t hate on it.

But I can’t help myself. It makes me SO SAD! Have the Hatha-Haters driven her to self-medicate with self-help? Maybe James Franco’s recent interview helped. Either way, what’s supposed to be one of the most exciting moments of her life (marriage to Adam Shulman and an Oscar) has turned all sucky. I know she did it to herself. I know the pre-written speeches and baby girl hushed voices didn’t win her many fans but god damnit she was amazing as Catwoman! And I never change the channel when Ella Enchanted is on – NEVER. Let’s give the girl a break. Biotch needs to smile without being afraid it’s going to annoy the hell out of us. It probably will but let’s just keep it to ourselves for awhile!

Are you over your Anne Hathaway hate just yet or do you still need time?



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