Big Brother 15 Episode 18 Spoiler Preview: Aaryn Gries And GinaMarie Zimmerman Against Amanda Zuckerman – A Racists Battle Royale (Video)

Hey look, it’s the racist and racist versus the less obvious racist. I mean, this season of Big Brother 15 really brought a whole new dimension of ass-holism into the household.

As we know, both Aaryn and GinaMarie are raging racists who are incapable of keeping their mouths shut. Half the time, they don’t even seem to understand that they’re making rude and racist remarks and without Howard in the house anymore, it’s almost like their racism is running unchecked.

However, even though Amanda initially came off as a nice person, her not so nice side has also been getting its fair share in the spotlight over the last few episodes. During one recent incident where Amanda decided to self-tan, she decided to tell everyone that she looked like a ‘migrant’ worker in the aftermath. Of course, Aaryn has to be offensive and replies, “You look like an immigrant.” And then Amanda says, “I look like a slave,” to which Aaryn replies, “Ok, that was racist.”

WOW. If AARYN of all people is calling you racist, you know you crossed a line. But obviously, people on this show seem to be immune to apologizing for their disgusting manners or behavior, so Amanda never says sorry or anything of the sort.

At this point, is there anyone left to root for? Towards the end of the live feed, Aaryn and GinaMarie also discuss their suspicions of Amanda, with GinaMarie saying that she’s ‘always’ been suspicious of her. If there was justice in the world [or at least, this stupid game], all three of them would be kicked off the show. Unfortunately, I don’t foresee that happening. I guess the best we can hope for is that none of them win. 

Siyana Riley:
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